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11-Year-Old Died In His Family’s Mobile Home During Cold Weather In Texas, Family Suing Power Providers

By February 26, 2021June 3rd, 2021No Comments

Cristian loved to draw. He also aspired to be a pilot.

Eleven-year-old Cristian Pineda died in his family’s mobile home during the historic cold weather in Texas. The family suspects that he died from hypothermia. They filed a lawsuit against the state’s power providers, Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) and Entergy Corporation.

“Despite having knowledge of the dire weather forecast for at least a week in advance, and the knowledge that the system was not prepared for more than a decade, ERCOT and Entergy failed to take any preemptory action that could have averted the crisis and were wholly unprepared to deal with the crisis at hand,” the lawsuit states.

“This is a young man who died for no reason other than corporate decisions,” the family’s attorney Tony Buzbee told ABC News. “There are a lot of decisions that were made a long time ago that led to the death of this young man. That is unacceptable.” – family’s attorney Tony Buzbee via ABC News.

The family moved to the United States from Honduras two years ago. Maria Pineda said her son was a healthy boy. A day before his death, the child was playing in the snow for the first time, the mother said.

“Everything was well. He was happy that day. He was not at all sick,” Maria via the Houston Chronicle. “There were images of empty downtown Houston office buildings with power, but the Pineda’s mobile home park was left without power,” the lawsuit states.

“Estamos tratando de recaudar fondos para poder trasladar el cuerpo a Honduras. Su deseo fue volver a ver a sus abuelos y Eso selo quiere cumplir la mama porfavor ayuden con lo que puedan dios los bendiga.” —

Cristian loved to draw. He also aspired to be a pilot. And he embraced his role as a big brother. The boy had promised his mom that he would work hard and make sure that his family can return to their native country. His family plans to transport the boy’s remains to Honduras, where his grandparents live.

“The failure to adequately inform plaintiffs of the length of the blackouts prevented them from properly preparing for the lack of power, or leaving the area. Accurate information might have saved Cristian Pineda’s young life.” – lawsuit.

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