P. J. Tibayan. Hope thou in God; for I will yet confess unto Him Psalm 41:11. Verse 1 begins: "Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, for His lovingkindness is everlasting." This phrase one of the most famous in the whole Bible. Clearly the superscriptions rested upon some tradition or knowledge, else defective information would not have been acknowledged as it is in this one; but some name would have been coined to fill the gap. From Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, First Series, Vol. Dont compromise! My tears have been my meat day and night, while they daily say unto me, Where is your God? The repeated taunt of his enemies would hopefully move God to deliver him (cf. 3-7, NIV) Psalm 4: Answer me when I call, O God of my righteousness! He doesnt feel jubilant hope. For we find in the hart an emblem of swiftness. The Point Of Psalms 34 How does he solve it? To recall past joys adds stings to present grief, but to remember God brings an anodyne for the smart. Verse 5: Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? I will say unto God, You are my lifter up; why have You forgotten me? . The angelic choir makes an eternal holiday: the presence of God's face, joy that never fails. Streaks of brightness flash through the gloom. It is my God that is the saving health of my countenance. He compared the noise of the waves to his troubles, that he personified as calling to one another to come and overwhelm him. ), the temple singers were still called the sons of Asaph. In view of the long and continued service of these temple servants, we cannot be absolutely sure when these psalms were composed, but whether they were written in the time of David or as late as Ezra, they are still Davidic associates, and that seems to reinforce the Davidic nature of these collections." A. Does man call on man as God is called upon? That is to say, because God is mercy and faithfulness, the return of the psalmist to the home of his heart is sure. Please help support the mission of New Advent and get the full contents of this website as an instant download. Feel guilty about feeling cut-off. So rather than prepare a sermon, I simply wrote a letter. When Fear Grips Your Life - Psalm 27. In the former part, memory was the handmaid of sorrow, and came involuntarily, and increased the singers pain; but in this part he makes an effort of will to remember, and in remembrance finds an antidote to sorrow. The first time we see it in Bible history is in I Chronicles 16, when King David is bringing up the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem. Understand that God may use suffering to refocus our deepest desires on Him. 12. Verse 8: By day the Lord commands His steadfast love, and at night His song is with me, a prayer to the God of my life. In verses 5 and 11, he calls God my salvation [or Savior] and my God. And even though he says it looks as if God has forgotten him, he never stops believing in the absolute sovereignty of God over all his adversity. Hope and trust hold the field. Each of us must walk in the light we have. He then forwarded these photos to several university e-mail lists. And He may give us them back if they no longer get in the way of allowing Him to meet our desires.) a Levite, led the festal march to the Temple, and in listening in fancy again to the shrill cries of joy which broke from the tumultuous crowd. The certainty of return to the Temple overbears the pain of absence from it, and the vivid realisation of the gladness of worshipping again at the altar takes the place of the vivid remembrance of former festal approach thither. He Sings Again, verse 8: "By day the Lord commands His steadfast love, and at night His song is with me, a prayer to the God of my life." This is not a song of jubilant hope. Psalms 42:5; Psalms 42:11; Psalms 43:5). Psalms 42:3). Some of them were among the faithful adherents of David at Ziklag, {1 Chronicles 12:6} and in the new model of worship inaugurated by him the Korachites were doorkeepers and musicians. It is a faith that hungers and thirsts for God and yet remains empty. Psalms 42:5). He has found something to point out to the eyes of the flesh; whereas I, on my part, not that I have not a God to show to him, cannot show him what he has no eyes to see. In preparing an article on the above topic the writer is ex-plicitly informed that what is required is t"not an expository sermon," nor " an outline of an expository sermon, but di- The more numerous my sufferings, the sweeter will be Your mercy. HOW MUCH DO WE REALLY DESIRE GOD? The deer will die. ), saying, I thought to know this; it is too painful for me, until I go into the sanctuary of God, and understand of the last things. Both psalms are individual laments. He called his book The Souls Conflict with Itself, because in Psalm 42:5 thats exactly what you have; the soul arguing with itself, preaching to itself. Water the key theme in the Psalm. Perhaps there was something in there for you too. It destroys serpents, and after the killing of serpents, it is inflamed with thirst yet more violent; having destroyed serpents, it runs to the water-brooks, with thirst more keen than before. DIFFERENT TYPES OF DEER: 1 'The deer that rejects water.' Doesn't believe in it, doesn't long for it, or doesn't know they long for it. For He who threatens does not let His judgments fall upon us, but keeps them suspended over us. He who did not spare His own Son but gave Him up for you, how will He not also with Him graciously give you all things? For when I was pouring out my soul above myself, in order to reach my God, why did I do so? Update: Here is my sermon on Psalm 6 (video and manuscript) My God is the saving health of my countenance. To see those who were thought to have some stability, giving way under temptations, so that the rest of the weak brethren despair when they see those who are strong succumbing; how great, my brethren, are the dangers! Wherefore so? Scripture (Psalm 32:1-5) verses 1-2: The one who has his sins covered is "blessed." The Hebrews used two different words to describe being "blessed." One word meant God bestowed the blessing. Justly, because the understanding spoken of is an abyss. Light and Troth-i.e., Lovingkindness and Faithfulness in fulfilling promises-are like two angels, despatched from the presence-chamber of God, to guide with gentleness the exiles steps. u.s.). He began with yearning after the living God. PROPOSITION: To study the story of the rich man and Lazarus and notice: 1) The characters, 2) The circumstances, 3) The cries of the rich man, 4) The conclusions of the story. The locality thus designated is too far north for the scene of Davids retreat before Absalom, unless we give an unusual southward extension to the names; and this makes a difficulty in the way of accepting the hypothesis of the authors having been in his retinue. Is it disquieted on account of God? The true counterpoise to its excess lies in directing it to God and in making Him the object of hope and patient waiting. You may see not my flesh merely, but even my bones. 2. Psalms 42:10 repeats the enemies taunt, which is there represented as like crushing blows which broke the bones. No, but calls on is equivalent to calls to him. Second, in the midst of his discouragement, he affirms God's sovereign love for him. Help us purchase electrical generators for churches. Fourth, the psalmist preaches to his own soul. When shall I come and appear before God? 3. We don't know when the psalms were gathered into five books, but the separation dates back to before our oldest manuscripts, compiled in the Masoretic Text. THE second book of the Psalter is characterised by the use of the Divine name "Elohim" instead of "Jehovah." [Note: Bullock, p. SUBJECT: Covetousness TITLE: The Rich Man and Lazarus Type: Expository. So, let me invite you to take your copy of Gods Word and turn to Psalm 42. The preceding verses have given ample reason why she has been dejected, but now she is summoned to repeat them to a judicial ear. The secret of calm is to dwell in that inner chamber of the secret place of the Most High, which whoso inhabits "heareth not the loud winds when they call," and is neither dejected nor uplifted, neither disturbed by excessive joys nor torn by anxieties. For it is there is the house of my God. This I make my business here; I who am the hart thirsting and longing for the water-brooks, calling to mind the sweetness of that strain, by which I was led on through the tabernacle even to the house of God; while this corruptible body presses down the soul, Wisdom9:15 there is yet with me prayer unto the God of my life. Psalm 41:5. Lo, we have just now been gladdened by certain inward delights: with the mind's eye we have been able to behold, though but with a momentary glance, something not susceptible of change: why do you still disquiet me, why are you still cast down? (vv. 18. The dry and thirsty land there and the rush of waters here mean the same thing, so flexible is nature in a poets hands. Whither then shall I go from Your presence? Galatians6:2 5. They rush upon him, multitudinous and close following; they pour down on him as with the thunder of descending cataracts; they overwhelm him like the breakers and rollers of an angry ocean. If even it has been the lot of any, that very calm is more to be dreaded. My soul is disquieted on account of myself.Therefore I remember You, O Lord, from the land of Jordan, and from the little hill of Hermon. Korah was a great-grandson of Levi who rebelled against Moses leadership (Numbers 16:1-2). The enemy is called a "loveless nation." The deer that rejects water. Doesnt believe in it, doesnt long for it, or doesnt know they long for it. The bold metaphors are more striking when contrasted with the opposite ones of the first part. Buffalo, NY: Christian Literature Publishing Co.. Revised and edited for New Advent by Kevin Knight. The psalmist encouraged himself rhetorically by reminding himself that he would again praise God. What he is inwardly engaged on, what he is inwardly capable of, what he is inwardly doing or what purposing, what he is inwardly wishing to happen, or not to happen, who shall comprehend? restoring the joy. But yet, Why have You forgotten me? This same voice in another passage said, I said in my trance (i.e., in my rapture, when he had seen some great thing or other), I said in my trance, I am cast out of the sight of Your eyes. Source. Servanthood What does it mean to be a servant of Christ. God means for these encounters with Him in corporate worship to preserve your faith now and in the way you remember them later. The correspondence between mans needs and their true object is involved in that name "the living God"; for a heart can rest only in one all-sufficient Person, and must have a heart to throb against. A new regime, new management, a new . We must learn to preach the truth to ourselves. All unrest of longing, all fever of thirst, all outgoings of desire, are feelers put out blindly, and are only stilled when they clasp Him. All of the psalms in Book 2 have a title assigned to them except psalm 43, making it more likely that it . This is not simply engaging in nostalgia. It consists of two stanzas, each of which ends with the same refrain. They who trouble me cast me in the teeth. And when these are heard, what do we passers by say? So once more the wave of emotion rolls over the psalmist, but with a new aspect which makes all the difference. Thats why it pains me that were not presently able to be together. God-Centred As we have seen, the immediate cause was his separation from the temple of God. These loveless people are not further defined, and may either have been Israelites or aliens. Hebrew word doesnt mean spirit but a persons life; who and what we really are. Unnamed foes taunt the psalmist with the question, "Where is thy God?" Apart from air, water our most basic need. There is great similarity between the content of these psalms and the ones David wrote. Faith may have a long struggle with fear, but it will have the last word, and that word will be "the help of my countenance and my God. When spiritually dry, we who are believers should remind ourselves that God is sufficient for all our needs. He states the very words of that confession; he repeats the grounds on which he fortifies his hope. So bloated with other things hasnt got space for water., DIFFERENT TYPES OF DEER: 3 They are the ballast in his little boat of faith. a Levite, led the festal march to the Temple, and in listening in fancy again to the shrill cries of joy which broke from the tumultuous crowd. In building the Lord's house. aye, let them say it! It was a long way from Mount Zion where the ark dwelt in Davids day. He is the health of my countenance, and my God. There is with me prayer to the God of my life. He longed for God, whom he confidently expected to be able to praise in the future when the Lord would deliver him. Thus one might think of this book as "the book of Elohim.". Whoever begins as he did will finish where he climbed. Sustaining Peace - John 14:27; 16:33 A. God's peace is distinct - 14:27 B. God's peace sustains in troubles and fear - 14:27 C. God's peace is only in Christ (Authoritative peace . Finally, the psalmist thirsts for God like a deer pants for the stream. For in prosperity God commends to you His mercy, in case thou serve Him faithfully, for He frees you from tribulation; but it is in the night only that He declares His mercy to you, which He commended to you by day. But that just isnt the way we are. The Lord has commended His loving-kindness in the day-time, and in the night-time will He declare it.There is with me prayer unto the God of my life. Edited by Philip Schaff. Oh, how many of you have learned this more deeply than me because of the waves that have broken over your lives. I thirst for God, the living God. Scripture: Psalms 42:1-2 Denomination: Evangelical/Non-Denominational Summary: THIRSTING FOR GOD THIRSTING FOR GOD (NLT) Psalm 42: 1-2 - As the deer longs for streams of water, so I long for you, O God. He hacked into the Harvard server, downloaded private dormitory ID photos, and posted them on his blog. And he knows it. The deer that doesnt mind a sip or two of water if it happens to come their way or it isnt too inconvenient to look for it. Here, when men keep festival simply for their own indulgence, it is their custom to place musical instruments, or to station a chorus of singers, before their houses, or any kind of music that serves and allures to wantonness. HAVE MERCY ON ME, GOD. Again, verse 8: By day the Lord commands His steadfast love, and at night His song is with me, a prayer to the God of my life. This is not a song of jubilant hope. Nevertheless he believed God would remain loyal to him. True Repentance - Psalm 51. Without it we die. A Psalm Of The Have-Nots (Audio) Download File. Individual rather than corporate. Keil and Delitzsch Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament (Heb. It was God whom he addressed, who remembered him from the land of Jordan and Hermon. And it is principally in the temptations of the Church they say this, Where is your God? So, he asks Why? Its a legitimate question. Longings and tears, remembrances of festal hours passed in the sanctuary melt the singers soul, while taunting enemies hiss continual sarcasms at him as forsaken by his God. He does not show that He is your Helper, unless tribulation come, from whence you must be rescued by Him who promised it to you in the day-time. The break in the clouds is but momentary, and the grey wrack fills the sky once more. Acts 4:25). {Nehemiah 11:19} The ascription of authorship to a group is remarkable, and has led to the suggestion that the superscription does not specify the authors, but the persons for whose use the psalms in question were composed. In his sorrow he could still think of Him at intervals as the help of his countenance and call Him "my God." Psalms 43:2 looks back to Psalms 42:9, the former clause in each verse being practically equivalent, and the second in 43 (Psalms 43:2), being a quotation of the second in Psalms 42:9, with a variation in the form of the verb to suggest more vividly the picture of weary, slow, dragging gait, fit for a man clad in mourning garb. A Primer on Prayer - Psalm 28. It suggests that the psalmists faith will bridge over the interval between himself and the sanctuary: I can send my thoughts to Thee from the distant frontier" (in loc.). Assuredly it is from your seeing me labouring, that you labour with me: for I am labouring not for myself, but for you. It is the prerogative of faith to make pictures drawn by memory pale beside those painted by hope. That which does must be living. God brings an anodyne for the smart saving health of my countenance, and my God. many of have! His judgments fall upon us, but even my bones the same.... 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