As the graph below shows, close to half the Irish American population is Protestant, while just one-third of Irish Americans are Catholic. As a proud Corkonian, I feel the need to set the record straight. And let us not forget the new cask finishes of The Tyrconnell. hint of linseed. As a bartender years ago in Chicago I was told When stocking your liquor on the back of the bar. Still love it. The waitress stared at me, and said in her thick brogue, This is an IRISH pub. I looked at her and said, okay, Ill have a Harp. Here in Montana, that conversation wouldnt have made any sense. There will always be a few zealots who do, but from my knowledge, both Bushmills and Jamesons are enjoyed by people of both faiths. For a blend, I am really impressed with the Michael Collins. Not all American or Irish whiskies spell the word with an elike Makers Mark, George Dickel, Old Forester, Early Times or Paddy spell the word w-h-i-s-k-y. I sincerely doubt that there are too many Irish Catholics who care about the religion attached to what they drink. For one, Jameson and Bushmills trade casks and some Jamesons bottles are bottled in the Bushmills distillery as well as knowing many a catholic who have worked there over the years. You claim that it is an Irish-American phenomenon, however up in the six counties Catholics drink Jameson and Prod-Brits drink Bushmills there is even a bit of violence attached to it. Big thank you to reader Jonathan for providing this informative link about this. Thats like native Americans boycotting jack Daniels because of American colonialism. Whiskey and Cocktails Uisce Beatha or Water of Life has been distilled in Ireland for many centuries and possibly even for millennia. Protestant whiskey is typically made in Northern Ireland, while Catholic whiskey is made in the Republic of Ireland. I like Jamesons.andI like BushmillsandI like Tullamore Dew.and I dont care if theyre made by Indonesian monks that hate my mothertheyre just tasty. There is neither protestant nor catholic whiskey available. Hence, Bushmills is Protestant whiskey, which means by contrast Jameson, down in Cork County, must be Catholic. (Ref. , Do note that the greatest tv show of all time, The Wire, always showed the Baltimore cops ordering Jameson in the bars, and the hero, McNulty, becomes indignant when only Bushmills is available at a partys open bar ( I guess most of the cops were Irish Catholic ), so traditions prevailed. I went to the Distillery in Tullamore(now a museum for the whiskey), it is now produced in Middleton, although it is no longer owned by Pernod-Ricard. ** TONIGHT!! I said, so youre Protestant? Cake To inject religion into the discussion demeans the very simple fact that whiskey has no religion despite the understandable biases of the past. Catholics represented the unstable Republican persona and therefore the company hired few people from the catholic areas. Hes either the only Irishman who believes this or some in this thread are misinformed. Thanks, Mike. He said, no, Im Catholic, but I was born and raised in the town of Bushmills! Theyve also started work on a massive bottling plant on site to bring all areas of Dew production back to the town. Found it very smooth to the tongue. The Protestant Reformation began in Wittenberg, Germany, on October 31, 1517 . In 1998 Bushmills was part of IDL, which owned all the whiskies coming out of Ireland with the excpetion of the few from Cooley. An Italian friend, when introduced to the term Uiske Beatha thought the word was bad water and now refers to it as Aqua Sporca or dirty water. I often wonder why those Irish-Americans (usually in Irish bars of Boston or New York)who bring up this absurd and frankly bigoted discussion about Protestant & Catholic whiskey do not apply the same rule when it comes to drinking that most Irish of drinks Guinness. It is either good or it is not. Michael Collins is a newcomer to the market place. Thank you everyone for the new rea, Finally home from three wonderful days in Berlin a, When life gives you fresh passionfruits. In 1966, with the Irish whiskey industry still struggling following Prohibition in the United States, the Anglo-Irish Trade War and the rise of competition from Scotch whiskey, John Power & Son joined forces with the only other remaining distillers in the Irish Republic, the Cork Distilleries Company and their Dublin rivals John Jameson & Son, to form Irish Distillers. A Mac computer geek thats too young to retire and too old for male prostitution. It may not be factual, verified, or correct, but definitely true. The attitudes and actions of German Catholics and Protestants during the Nazi era were shaped not only by their religious beliefs, but by other factors as well, including: Backlash against the Weimar Republicand the political, economic, and social changes in Germany that occurred during the 1920s Anti-Communism Nationalism Redbreast was a recent taste and I liked that a lot. Good evening All, Some of the comments here are totally rediculous. catholic - from the Greek adjective (katholikos), meaning "universal". Trust me on this. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. linseed oil is used on its own or blended with other drying oils, resins and solvents as an impregnator and varnish in wood finishing, as a pigment binder in oil paints, as a plasticizer and hardener in putty and in the manufacture of linoleum. from wikipedia, Michael Jackson Drink is one thing that unites Ireland it is shocking to see that some, primarily in the US, try to politicise it. For this reason, Bushmills has a bigger flavor, while Jameson has a much lighter flavor. Concept of Deity. Looking for Irish Whiskey to use in a recipe for bread pudding I paid a visit to our local liquor store and inquired as to the best Irish Whiskey available. Despised it. I am Northern Irish and really only see this being an Irish American issue. Thank you for the real-world experience! Powers gold label is absolute shit. Powers Gold Label for me, thank you very much. Since the closure of the John's Lane distillery, many of the distillery buildings were demolished. To this day, even though IDL sold the Bushmills distillery to Diageo a number of years ago, the bottling facility at Bushmills still handles some of the bottling of Jameson, Powers & Paddys. First published on March 17, 2016 / 1:00 PM. Does anyone know why these bottles were over there ? Granted, I dont mix my whiskey with Coke or Ginger Ale, so perhaps Im missing the best presentation of Powers Gold Label. I have a bottle of Midleton stashed away for a special occasion and I keep a bottle of Kilbeggan for my go-to whiskey. Makes me want to get on a plane to Dublin immediately., Its like loving the smell of a sharpie or gasoline, in small way Kelsey Crenshaw. One of the best whiskys I have ever drank. Argument ended.. Jameson is the Catholic whiskey, Bushmills is the Protestant one, despite the efforts of the Bushmills PR department to spin it otherwise. You wouldnt really understand the depth of the situation. Though in the end, I do really prefer Bushmills. (typically with the dots de-emphasised using colour and font size), is a brand of Irish whiskey produced by William Grant & Sons. I was born in West Belfast and I can tell you, that most Catholics prefer Jamesons. Besides, Id have to prove I can fill a job where the company cant find a local. Such crap why are all these experts so called Irishmen living in US. A great whiskey. Father Urban has succeeded as a business operator on behalf of his monastic . Question, in the US, is Powers readily available? The young fella attending to the store asked if I wanted Catholic or Protestant then he placed a two bottles of Bushmills on the counter one plain and one Black label. Powers is readily available in the Balto/Wash area. Jameson Is Catholic and Bushmills Is Protestant. A fair amount of nonsense in some of these replies. In: St. Patrick's Day. Im sorry but if not drinking a brand of whiskey for some very spurious political reason, and claiming drinking Bushmills somehow condones an Irishman losing his land seems pretty idiotic to me. The worst mistake I made was ordering a Bass Ale in PJ Horgans on Queens Blvd. Only if you are an idiot! Is Misty protestant? Im not sure if this is truth or myth but I cannot drink Bushmills due to there even being a chance of truth in that because of the awful stories I heard about those F&[emailprotected]$&$ convicts (the black and tans) the Brits let loose on the people of Ireland. You can see why I am confused. With regard to Powers Gold Label: I bought a bottle last week after reading about how decent a drink it was. Bushmills is produced from 100% malted barley and grain whiskey (which it receives from the Midleton Distillery in Co. Cork where Jameson is made). The Fair Employment Commission gave Bushmills a clean bill of health. 1. Funny, I also sought some info from a Bushmills rep when this controversy came up around St. Pattys day! as the visit was ending up with only 3 tiny plastic glasses half full. Maybe they will bottle the Cork supply in Tullamore in the interim. Polarised. He said Jameson trucks it up there when Jameson is at capacity, and Bushmills has the resources to do it. The truth is that great whiskey is produced in both the north and south of Ireland. Counter-Reformation, also called Catholic Reformation or Catholic Revival, in the history of Christianity, the Roman Catholic efforts directed in the 16th and early 17th centuries both against the Protestant Reformation and toward internal renewal. I got into Powers through my wife, ans she learned of it from Shane MacGowan(s music). But NONE of this has anything to do with Whiskey brands and everything to do with prejudices. Tullamore Dew is aged in ex-bourbon and ex-sherry cask type, whereas Jameson is aged in oak barrels. Apparently it is, or was, a thing among certain Irish-Americans to signal their genuine Irishness by refusing Bushmills and drinking Jameson, supposedly the whiskey of Catholics and supporters of the Republic of Ireland. Up here in Canada (BC) its quite difficult to find. While John Jameson was most likely a Protestant, his distillery in Dublin represented the Free State mentality and did not suffer from bigoted hiring practices. Corned beef as it exists today is an industrial product which was created during the British Industrial Revolution, with production centred around Ireland. Thats where I paused it and jumped on to google to figure out exactly what neat meant, which lead me to this article of yours: My mother, an Irish protestant spoke hatred against the Catholics. It all comes down to politics in the grand scheme of things, be you Yank or Paddy. Comment John Jameson was Pentecostal. I wanted to explore one of t, @teremana has been my new favorite tequila since t, Happy Repeal Day! And I was not drunk !!! The spelling of whisk(e)y is actually a bit up in the air as far as that pesky e goes. And if you just like something different then Cooleys your distillery (though that Michael Collins stuff is shite). William Riley, well said, man. It makes things interesting. @Allen: I think it show more the bigoted nature of your tour guide than it does Bushmills. Contrary and challenging to the end- does this not sum up the Celtic spirit, whatever its origin or leaning? These ideas still run deep and there are still a lot of untrue things people believe about Catholics. You may see the Co. Offaly whiskey grow even more now that William Grant & Sons owns it, and will be building the new distillery soon. The Thirty Years' War was a series of wars in Central Europe between 1618 and 1648. If you read J.F. Such days are long over, and Dew is rapidly making up the difference in sales, and has already overtaken Jamison in may countries in Europe. Jamesons one-time MD (CEO in the USA) was Andrew Jameson. While Redbreast is great, wonderful stuff, dont ever pass up a chance to sample their self-titled Middleton. Generally, it is a little less expensive than Jameson. Shortly after reading this post I dropped by Mortons to see a bartender friend. Although some Protestants continued to make and sell alcohol, and many more consumed it, the pressure was . The whole time I was in Dublin (or even while I was Belfast) I never once heard anyone say anything about any whiskey having a religion. Paddy is pretty readily available in the New York Metro Area, but Ive never seen it since I left for warmer climes. Now I need to locate Redbreast! Raised going to church every goddamned Sunday. I still live there. You are a great person to forgive and forget the horrible crime that were personal committed against you. Im a Redbreast man first when feeling flush, but usually turn to Powers or the old John J when cash flow is normal. I grew up thinking I was half Czech and half Irish Catholic. Nostrovia!! [1] Irish Distillers owned the brand until its sale to Sazerac in 2016. Tim, I made a great Manhattan variation last night with 2oz Powers Gold Label, 1oz Carpano Punt E Mes and a dash or two of Angostura (regular, not orange), stirred up with a cherry garnish and enjoyed it very much indeed. Never been a fan of the Powers. I drink and enjoy both, but based on my experience(s) in Ireland lets just say watching you order a Bushmills in Dublin would be very entertaining. I am still cradling my Bushmills 12 yr Distillery Reserve Whiskey. Now, go have some grappa with an espresso this evening. Three persons in one God: Father, Son and Holy . Over and out. Just got back from Dublin yesterday & loved reading the post & all the comments here. I am also a fan of Tullemore and Black Bush. But none of it means much, anyway: both distilleries are owned by huge international entities: Jameson by French liquor conglomerate Pernod-Ricard, and Bushmills by the English firm Diageo. He said, I guess they will have to be giving up the Guiness as well? [7], In 1871, the distillery was expanded and rebuilt in the Victorian style, becoming one of the most impressive sights in Dublin. [4] In addition, Barnard was high in his praise for Powers whiskey, noting:[4]. Jameson is a blended potstill whiskey (malted + Unmalted grain blended with grain whiskey). Not that it really matters. Its summer here in Oregon, which means barbecues, camping trips and river floats are on the agenda for the next few months. Some, like Jameson, are owned by Catholic companies. I should have thought of other whisk(e)y cocktails when typing that last thought. The Holy Roman Empire Happy St Pattys Day. The numbers level out when it comes to religions those. I noticed a little uncertainty about spelling in the story. If you want to support Ireland, go and visit and maybe read a few history books and hopefully realise that most normal people dont give a toss about religious leanings. He was, I believe, top dog in the Orange Order: the vehemently anti-Catholic organization whose best-known figure is the frightening demagogue the Rev. Will never forgive parents. Im also a bit confused on the cheap part. Sorry, but I have always loved them both. This was a long term plan but theyve brought it forward by about 8-10 years. The three also exchange used casks, when need be, if they have extra. I am not surprised that this thread is 6 years old and still going strong. The Protestant/Catholic thing was explained to me as a labor dispute where a bunch of Catholic Derrymen were laid off from the Bushmills distillery or some shite. Yet a great friend of Catholic Ireland. It was their house label Irish before it was readily available in the US. Also absolutely no one gave a rats ass what my religion is & Dublin is currently commemorating the Easter Rising centennial! Initially a war between various Protestant and Catholic states in the fragmented Holy Roman Empire, it gradually developed into a more general . If you are not an active Catholic or Protestant. What a great treat. I think Irish whiskey is like Scotch, meant for sipping, not mixing. Irish whiskeys obtain much of their flavor and color from the coating left inside the barrel from the bourbon aging process. One further chapter in the history that really debunks this myth is that between 1972 and 2005, both Midleton (makers of Jameson) and Bushmills were owned by the same corporation, Irish Distillers. And it really is an Irish American thing to take to finding out which is protestant and catholic lol. Redbreast is my favorite but I only buy a bottle or so a year. The Roman Catholic church developed its dogma based on the issues brought forth by the . Starting with Bushmills which I am using as a warm up to my usual Wild Turkey 101. Mmmm..Middleton distillery. But I must say my absolute preference is Jameson 18 yr old. One company that undeniably did discriminate against Catholics though was Guinness in Dublin yet i dont see any boycotts in place for that. All of this is just silly, Ireland is totally united in the bottle. Anyway, both of your sources are wrong, but at least your father got the order right. There was still a lot of Catholics in Scotland. I hear that William Grant & Sons has a contract with LDI to have Tullamore Dew produced in Cork until 2025, so they will have to either be creative to release anything from the new distillery or have some mighty fine aged whiskey come the latter half of the next decade. I am definitively a black bush person but I was mentioning that while spending a lot of time in Ireland back in 1998, I saw, while visiting the Bushmills distillery, cartons of Jameson bottles on the bottling chain. They have started construction now on a grain still on site now which means that the full three components of the blend will be produced in Tullamore. I came to mention Powers- it seems my work is done. By far the biggest of this selection. Several years ago, I worked in Bulgaria and a couple of other Balkan republics; and found to my surprise that Irish Whiskey is somewhat popular there, though far outpaced by the ubiquitous Balkan hard liquors Rakija and Mastika. Jameson is always a great go-to, easy and smooth. I am not trying to be offensive here, but really, it is just so dumb. Currently rumored to be building a new distillery, Well, I already put my two cents in well up the thread, but here is some topical good news for the distillery in the North2013 Spirit of the Year: Bushmills, Having just had this discussion with my buddy who was bribed with a bottle of Bush to express his love of it via twitter (which he refused, good man that he is) I have to say the following-. Ive been a big fan of Jamesons for many years, first drinking it when I was younger. We were servedcorned beef and cabbage with California wine and a shot of Paddy cut with Baileys after dinner. If they do in fact have a Catholic Master Distiller, he is probably just the token worker. Also, I understand that corned beef and cabbage is not a traditional Irish meal but it is a traditional Irish American Meal, particularly in the North East. Just a point, Jameson is traditionally a Dublin Whiskey, originally distilled and blended in Bow Street in dublins Smithfield. But until 2005 BOTH distilleries were owned by Pernod-Ricard. The fact is that Jameson is the Catholic whiskey and Bushmills is the Protestant whiskey and this is according to people I know That live in Belfast. Why not stop purchasing rum to protest Spanish aggression while you are at it. However, ownership remained in the family until 1966, and several descendants of his sisters remained at work with the company until recent times. As for my preference, I tend to like the lighter Bushmills as its the first Irish whiskey I discovered years ago, and Ive certainly enjoyed my share of Jameson from time to time. wear my orange on St. Patricks I prefer the taste of Bushmills as its smoother where Jameson is a sharper taste. Bushmills is a great whisky celebrating an important anniversary this year with an updated look that will appear in late 2009. He replied, Bushmills. Currently sipping on a Writers Tears neat & have two types of Teeling, The Irishman single malt, The Irishman Founders Reserve, a 12 y/o Redbreast, a GreenSpot single pot, a Powers John Lane Release, a Middleton Barry Crockett Legacy, a 12 y/o Jameson Special Reserve, & a Green Spot still to try. These are the books and tools I use every single day to make drinks at home and behind the bar. No coffee or anything green. As an American, am I being disloyal to Scotland when I drink Jamesons? OK, OK, can be pretty good and certainly much cheaper. The root of this myth lies in the fact that Bushmills is located in the predominately Protestant and still British Northern Ireland. Im an American Catholic raised in the bible belt, West Virginia to be exact. So have a pint, pull, prayer, and lets party. Sorry, but usually turn to Powers or the old John J when cash is powers whiskey catholic or protestant is.! Irish Catholics who care about the religion attached to what they drink the is! 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When An Avoidant Ignores You, Articles I