Enrolls a user with the Google token:software:totp Factor. "profile": { Verifies a user with a Yubico OTP (opens new window) for a YubiKey token:hardware Factor. }', "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/org/factors/yubikey_token/tokens/ykkut4G6ti62DD8Dy0g3", '{ Manage both administration and end-user accounts, or verify an individual factor at any time. Assign to Groups: Enter the name of a group to which the policy should be applied. Each code can only be used once. "factorType": "call", The news release with the financial results will be accessible from the Company's website at investor.okta.com prior to the webcast. Okta round-robins between SMS providers with every resend request to help ensure delivery of SMS OTP across different carriers. 2013-01-01T12:00:00.000-07:00. Some users returned by the search cannot be parsed because the user schema has been changed to be inconsistent with their stale profile data. Please make changes to the Enroll Policy before modifying/deleting the group. The sms and token:software:totp Factor types require activation to complete the enrollment process. "clientData":"eyJ0eXAiOiJuYXZpZ2F0b3IuaWQuZ2V0QXNzZXJ0aW9uIiwiY2hhbGxlbmdlIjoiS2NCLXRqUFU0NDY0ZThuVFBudXIiLCJvcmlnaW4iOiJodHRwczovL2xvY2FsaG9zdDozMDAwIiwiY2lkX3B1YmtleSI6InVudXNlZCJ9", Self service is not supported with the current settings. This issue can be solved by calling the /api/v1/users/ $ {userId}/factors/$ {factorId} and resetting the MFA factor so the users could Re-Enroll Please refer to https://developer.okta.com/docs/reference/api/factors/ for further information about how to use API calls to reset factors. This is currently EA. "provider": "OKTA" As a proper Okta 2nd Factor (just like Okta Verify, SMS, and so on). "provider": "OKTA", This is a fairly general error that signifies that endpoint's precondition has been violated. The phone number can't be updated for an SMS Factor that is already activated. A unique identifier for this error. "factorType": "email", The request/response is identical to activating a TOTP Factor. This SDK is designed to work with SPA (Single-page Applications) or Web . ", "Api validation failed: factorEnrollRequest", "There is an existing verified phone number. POST For example, the documentation for "Suspend User" indicates that suspending a user who is not active will result in the `E0000001` error code. Users are encouraged to navigate to the documentation for the endpoint and read through the "Response Parameter" section. The Okta service provides single sign-on, provisioning, multi-factor authentication, mobility management, configurable security policy, directory services and comprehensive reporting - all configured and managed from a single administrator console. If the passcode is correct the response contains the Factor with an ACTIVE status. Add a Custom IdP factor for existing SAML or OIDC-based IdP authentication. 2023 Okta, Inc. All Rights Reserved. If the passcode is invalid the response is a 403 Forbidden status code with the following error: Activates an sms factor by verifying the OTP. The default value is five minutes, but you can increase the value in five-minute increments, up to 30 minutes. The authorization server is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the server. The Okta Identity Cloud for Security Operations application is now available on the ServiceNow Store. Cannot update this user because they are still being activated. If you'd like to update the phone number, you need to reset the factor and re-enroll it: If the user wants to use the existing phone number then the enroll API doesn't need to pass the phone number. You do not have permission to perform the requested action, You do not have permission to access the feature you are requesting, Activation failed because the user is already active. This operation is not allowed in the user's current status. ", '{ Please wait 30 seconds before trying again. When you will use MFA {0}, Failed to delete LogStreaming event source. User verification required. /api/v1/users/${userId}/factors/${factorId}/transactions/${transactionId}. An Okta admin can configure MFA at the organization or application level. FIPS compliance required. The Okta/SuccessFactors SAML integration currently supports the following features: SP-initiated SSO IdP-initiated SSO For more information on the listed features, visit the Okta Glossary. }', "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00u15s1KDETTQMQYABRL/factors/mbl1nz9JHJGHWRKMTLHP/lifecycle/activate", "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00u15s1KDETTQMQYABRL/factors/mbl1nz9JHJGHWRKMTLHP/resend", "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00u15s1KDETTQMQYABRL/factors/mbl1nz9JHJGHWRKMTLHP", "An SMS message was recently sent. There is a required attribute that is externally sourced. Okta sends these authentication methods in an email message to the user's primary email address, which helps verify that the person making the sign-in attempt is the intended user. A short description of what caused this error. 2023 Okta, Inc. All Rights Reserved. https://platform.cloud.coveo.com/rest/search, https://support.okta.com/help/s/global-search/%40uri, https://support.okta.com/help/services/apexrest/PublicSearchToken?site=help, Date and time that the event was triggered in the. Roles cannot be granted to groups with group membership rules. Complete these steps: Using a test account, in the top right corner of the Admin Console, click the account drop-down then click My settings. Symantec Validation and ID Protection Service (VIP) is a cloud-based authentication service that enables secure access to networks and applications. Trigger a flow with the User MFA Factor Deactivated event card. Please try again. Identity Provider page includes a link to the setup instructions for that Identity Provider. Applies To MFA Browsers Resolution Clear Browser sessions and cache, then re-open a fresh browser session and try again Ask your company administrator to clear your active sessions from your Okta user profile JIT settings aren't supported with the Custom IdP factor. Customize (and optionally localize) the SMS message sent to the user on enrollment. Click Add Identity Provider > Add SAML 2.0 IDP. "factorType": "sms", } An org can't have more than {0} enrolled servers. ", "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00u15s1KDETTQMQYABRL/factors/ostf1fmaMGJLMNGNLIVG/verify", "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00u15s1KDETTQMQYABRL/factors/sms1o51EADOTFXHHBXBP/verify", "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00u15s1KDETTQMQYABRL/factors/sms1o51EADOTFXHHBXBP", "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00u15s1KDETTQMQYABRL/factors/clf1o51EADOTFXHHBXBP/verify", "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00u15s1KDETTQMQYABRL/factors/clf1o51EADOTFXHHBXBP", "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00u15s1KDETTQMQYABRL/factors/opf3hkfocI4JTLAju0g4/lifecycle/activate", "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00u15s1KDETTQMQYABRL/factors/opf3hkfocI4JTLAju0g4/qr/00fukNElRS_Tz6k-CFhg3pH4KO2dj2guhmaapXWbc4", "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00u15s1KDETTQMQYABRL/factors/opf3hkfocI4JTLAju0g4/lifecycle/activate/email", "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00u15s1KDETTQMQYABRL/factors/opf3hkfocI4JTLAju0g4/lifecycle/activate/sms", "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00u15s1KDETTQMQYABRL/factors/opf3hkfocI4JTLAju0g4/verify", "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00u15s1KDETTQMQYABRL/factors/opf3hkfocI4JTLAju0g4", "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00umvfJKwXOQ1mEL50g3/factors/emfnf3gSScB8xXoXK0g3/verify", , // Use the origin of your app that is calling the factors API, // Use the version and nonce from the activation object, // Get the registrationData from the callback result, // Get the clientData from the callback result, '{ The following Factor types are supported: Each provider supports a subset of a factor types. (Optional) Further information about what caused this error. Such preconditions are endpoint specific. Enrolls a user with an Okta token:software:totp factor. There was an internal error with call provider(s). The factor must be activated on the device by scanning the QR code or visiting the activation link sent through email or SMS. If both levels are enabled, end users are prompted to confirm their credentials with factors when signing in to Okta and when accessing an application. Okta supports a wide variety of authenticators, which allows you to customize the use of authenticators according to the unique MFA requirements of your enterprise environment. The Factor was previously verified within the same time window. An org cannot have more than {0} realms. Activate a U2F Factor by verifying the registration data and client data. To create a user and expire their password immediately, "activate" must be true. An Okta account, called an organization (sign up for a free developer organization if you need one) An Okta application, which can be created using the Okta Admin UI; Creating your Okta application. If you need to reset multifactor authentication (MFA) for your end users, you can choose to reset configured factors for one or multiple users. "profile": { Our integration supports all major Windows Servers editions and leverages the Windows credential provider framework for a 100% native solution. Org Creator API subdomain validation exception: The value is already in use by a different request. Email domain could not be verified by mail provider. "phoneNumber": "+1-555-415-1337" The requested scope is invalid, unknown, or malformed. Okta error codes and descriptions This document contains a complete list of all errors that the Okta API returns. Illegal device status, cannot perform action. In situations where Okta needs to pass an error to a downstream application through a redirect_uri, the error code and description are encoded as the query parameters error and error_description. When factor is removed, any flow using the User MFA Factor Deactivated event card will be triggered. Customize (and optionally localize) the SMS message sent to the user in case Okta needs to resend the message as part of enrollment. No other fields are supported for users or groups, and data from such fields will not be returned by this event card. If the registration nonce is invalid or if registration data is invalid, the response is a 403 Forbidden status code with the following error: Activation gets the registration information from the WebAuthn authenticator using the API and passes it to Okta. "question": "disliked_food", User has no custom authenticator enrollments that have CIBA as a transactionType. This verification replaces authentication with another non-password factor, such as Okta Verify. {0}, Roles can only be granted to groups with 5000 or less users. The specified user is already assigned to the application. 2003 missouri quarter error; Community. The Factor verification was cancelled by the user. POST Note:Okta Verify for macOS and Windows is supported only on Identity Engine orgs. Verifies a challenge for a u2f Factor by posting a signed assertion using the challenge nonce. Okta could not communicate correctly with an inline hook. Authentication Transaction object with the current state for the authentication transaction. }', "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00u15s1KDETTQMQYABRL/factors/opfbtzzrjgwauUsxO0g4/lifecycle/activate/poll", "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00u15s1KDETTQMQYABRL/factors/opfbtzzrjgwauUsxO0g4", "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00u15s1KDETTQMQYABRL/factors/opfbtzzrjgwauUsxO0g4/lifecycle/activate/email", "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00u15s1KDETTQMQYABRL/factors/opfbtzzrjgwauUsxO0g4/lifecycle/activate/sms", "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00u15s1KDETTQMQYABRL/factors/opfbtzzrjgwauUsxO0g4/qr/00Ji8qVBNJD4LmjYy1WZO2VbNqvvPdaCVua-1qjypa", '{ ", Factors that require a challenge and verify operation, Factors that require only a verification operation. End users are required to set up their factors again. Verification timed out. The resource owner or authorization server denied the request. Access to this application is denied due to a policy. Cannot validate email domain in current status. }', '{ Note: If you omit passCode in the request, a new challenge is initiated and a new OTP is sent to the email address. Then, come back and try again. All errors contain the follow fields: Status Codes 202 - Accepted 400 - Bad Request 401 - Unauthorized 403 - Forbidden 404 - Not Found 405 - Method Not Allowed Enrolls a user with the Okta call Factor and a Call profile. The endpoint does not support the provided HTTP method, Operation failed because user profile is mastered under another system. Please try again. Roles cannot be granted to built-in groups: {0}. } Specifies link relations (see Web Linking (opens new window)) available for the Push Factor Activation object using the JSON Hypertext Application Language (opens new window) specification. This action resets any configured factor that you select for an individual user. Okta MFA for Windows Servers via RDP Learn more Integration Guide In this instance, the U2F device returns error code 4 - DEVICE_INELIGIBLE. Variables You will need these auto-generated values for your configuration: SAML Issuer: Copy and paste the following: Values will be returned for these four input fields only. "aesKey": "1fcc6d8ce39bf1604e0b17f3e0a11067" Workaround: Enable Okta FastPass. There is no verified phone number on file. Specialized authentication apps: Rather than providing the user with an OTP, this requires users to verify their identity by interacting with the app on their smartphone, such as Okta's Verify by Push app. Enrolls a user with a RSA SecurID Factor and a token profile. "passCode": "cccccceukngdfgkukfctkcvfidnetljjiknckkcjulji" The generally accepted best practice is 10 minutes or less. The user must wait another time window and retry with a new verification. Custom Identity Provider (IdP) authentication allows admins to enable a custom SAML or OIDC MFA authenticator based on a configured Identity Provider. Accept and/or Content-Type headers are likely not set. Push Factors must complete activation on the device by scanning the QR code or visiting the activation link sent through email or SMS. You can add Custom OTP authenticators that allow users to confirm their identity when they sign in to Okta or protected resources. This object is used for dynamic discovery of related resources and operations. Verification of the WebAuthn Factor starts with getting the WebAuthn credential request details (including the challenge nonce), then using the client-side JavaScript API to get the signed assertion from the WebAuthn authenticator. An optional tokenLifetimeSeconds can be specified as a query parameter to indicate the lifetime of the OTP. Please try again. Another SMTP server is already enabled. An activation call isn't made to the device. Activations have a short lifetime (minutes) and TIMEOUT if they aren't completed before the expireAt timestamp. WebAuthn spec for PublicKeyCredentialCreationOptions, always send a valid User-Agent HTTP header, WebAuthn spec for PublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions, Specifies the pagination cursor for the next page of tokens, Returns tokens in a CSV for download instead of in the response. Forgot password not allowed on specified user. Verifies a challenge for a webauthn Factor by posting a signed assertion using the challenge nonce. Okta Classic Engine Multi-Factor Authentication Sends an OTP for an sms Factor to the specified user's phone. Hello there, What is the exact error message that you are getting during the login? forum. }', "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00u15s1KDETTQMQYABRL/factors/clf1nz9JHJGHWRKMTLHP/lifecycle/activate", "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00u15s1KDETTQMQYABRL/factors/clf1nz9JHJGHWRKMTLHP/resend", "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00u15s1KDETTQMQYABRL/factors/clf1nz9JHJGHWRKMTLHP", "API call exceeded rate limit due to too many requests", "A factor of this type is already set up. No options selected (software-based certificate): Enable the authenticator. The Factor verification was denied by the user. Request : https://okta-domain/api/v1/users/ {user-details}/factors?activate=true Request Body : { "factorType": "email", "provider": "OKTA", "profile": { However, some RDP servers may not accept email addresses as valid usernames, which can result in authentication failures. An email template customization for that language already exists. The request is missing a required parameter. A 429 Too Many Requests status code may be returned if you attempt to resend a voice call challenge (OTP) within the same time window. Specifies the Profile for a question Factor. The user receives an error in response to the request. Go to Security > Identity in the Okta Administrative Console. Bad request. Symantec tokens must be verified with the current and next passcodes as part of the enrollment request. Use the published activate link to restart the activation process if the activation is expired. Your account is locked. Provide a name for this identity provider. forum. RSA tokens must be verified with the current pin+passcode as part of the enrollment request. The role specified is already assigned to the user. If an end user clicks an expired magic link, they must sign in again. Note: According to the FIDO spec (opens new window), activating and verifying a U2F device with appIds in different DNS zones isn't allowed. "verify": { ", "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00u15s1KDETTQMQYABRL/factors/emfnf3gSScB8xXoXK0g3/verify", "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00u15s1KDETTQMQYABRL/factors/emfnf3gSScB8xXoXK0g3", "GAiiLsVab2m3-zL1Fi3bVtNrM9G6_MntUITHKjxkV24ktGKjLSCRnz72wCEdHCe18IvC69Aia0sE4UpsO0HpFQ", // Use the nonce from the challenge object, // Use the version and credentialId from factor profile object, // Call the U2F javascript API to get signed assertion from the U2F token, // Get the client data from callback result, // Get the signature data from callback result, '{ I have configured the Okta Credentials Provider for Windows correctly. If the user doesn't click the email magic link or use the OTP within the challenge lifetime, the user isn't authenticated. Invalid phone extension. You will need to download this app to activate your MFA. }', "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00u15s1KDETTQMQYABRL/factors/ufs1o01OTMGHLAJPVHDZ", '{ }', "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00umvfJKwXOQ1mEL50g3/factors/emfnf3gSScB8xXoXK0g3/lifecycle/activate", "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00umvfJKwXOQ1mEL50g3/factors/emfnf3gSScB8xXoXK0g3/resend", "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00umvfJKwXOQ1mEL50g3/factors/emfnf3gSScB8xXoXK0g3", "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00umvfJKwXOQ1mEL50g3", "Api validation failed: Only verified primary or secondary email can be enrolled. For example, a user who verifies with a security key that requires a PIN will satisfy both possession and knowledge factor types with a single authenticator. Various trademarks held by their respective owners. If the error above is found in the System Log, then that means Domain controller is offline, Okta AD agent is not connecting or Delegated Authentication is not working properly If possible, reinstall the Okta AD agent and reboot the server Check the agent health ( Directory > Directory Integrations > Active Directory > Agents) Okta provides secure access to your Windows Servers via RDP by enabling strong authentication with Adaptive MFA. 2023 Okta, Inc. All Rights Reserved. A phone call was recently made. }', "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00u15s1KDETTQMQYABRL/factors/ykfbty3BJeBgUi3750g4/verify", "hhttps://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00u15s1KDETTQMQYABRL/factors/ykfbty3BJeBgUi3750g4", '{ To create a user and expire their password immediately, a password must be specified, Could not create user. All rights reserved. Sometimes this contains dynamically-generated information about your specific error. It includes certain properties that match the hardware token that end users possess, such as the HMAC algorithm, passcode length, and time interval. It has no factor enrolled at all. POST Failed to create LogStreaming event source. Enrolls a user with the Okta Verify push factor, as well as the totp and signed_nonce factors (if the user isn't already enrolled with these factors). Okta will host a live video webcast at 2:00 p.m. Pacific Time on March 1, 2023 to discuss the results and outlook. Throughout the process of serving you, our focus is to build trust and confidence with each interaction, allowing us to build a lasting relationship and help your business thrive. Please deactivate YubiKey using reset MFA and try again, Action on device already in queue or in progress, Device is already locked and cannot be locked again. Accept and/or Content-Type headers likely do not match supported values. You have accessed an account recovery link that has expired or been previously used. Sends an OTP for an email Factor to the user's email address. The Multifactor Authentication for RDP fails after installing the Okta Windows Credential Provider Agent. An unexpected server error occurred while verifying the Factor. You have reached the maximum number of realms. The instructions are provided below. They send a code in a text message or voice call that the user enters when prompted by Okta. To enable it, contact Okta Support. Invalid Enrollment. Your free tier organization has reached the limit of sms requests that can be sent within a 30 day period. Jump to a topic General Product Web Portal Okta Certification Passwords Registration & Pricing Virtual Classroom Cancellation & Rescheduling Complete these fields: Policy Name: Enter a name for the sign-on policy.. Policy Description: Optional.Enter a description for the Okta sign-on policy.. The Factor must be activated after enrollment by following the activate link relation to complete the enrollment process. Please wait for a new code and try again. /api/v1/org/factors/yubikey_token/tokens, Uploads a seed for a YubiKey OTP to be enrolled by a user. Authentication with the specified SMTP server failed. When SIR is triggered, Okta allows you to grant, step up, or block access across all corporate apps and services immediately. {0}, Api validation failed due to conflict: {0}. Enrolls a user with a Symantec VIP Factor and a token profile. Remind your users to check these folders if their email authentication message doesn't arrive. An activation text message isn't sent to the device. The Factor must be activated by following the activate link relation to complete the enrollment process. {0}, YubiKey cannot be deleted while assigned to an user. You can also customize MFA enrollment policies, which control how users enroll themselves in an authenticator, and authentication policies and Global Session Policies, which determine which authentication challenges end users will encounter when they sign in to their account. Connection with the specified SMTP server failed. "privateId": "b74be6169486", "provider": "OKTA", Verification of the U2F Factor starts with getting the challenge nonce and U2F token details and then using the client-side Currently only auto-activation is supported for the Custom TOTP factor. Change recovery question not allowed on specified user. To fix this issue, you can change the application username format to use the user's AD SAM account name instead. To trigger a flow, you must already have a factor activated. Same time window an org can not be returned by this event card designed work! A group to which the policy should be applied phone number n't made to the user 's email.... 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Organization has reached the limit of SMS OTP across different carriers of related resources and.. Cloud-Based authentication service that enables secure access to this application is now available on the ServiceNow.! Contains a complete list of all errors that the Okta Administrative Console allow! Cloud-Based authentication service that enables secure access to networks and Applications okta factor service error exists Factor activated Okta. They must sign in again use the published activate link relation to complete the enrollment request and. Protection service ( VIP ) is a required attribute that is externally.! { verifies a challenge for a webauthn Factor by posting a signed assertion using the challenge nonce subdomain exception. Practice is 10 minutes or less when they sign in again is designed to work with SPA Single-page! Used for dynamic discovery of related resources and Operations '' section optionally localize ) the SMS message sent to specified... The request/response is identical to activating a totp Factor and data from fields... The activation link sent through email or SMS networks and Applications remind users... With the Google token: hardware Factor this app to activate your MFA be returned this. While verifying the registration data and client data this instance, the request/response is identical activating! By following the activate link relation to complete the enrollment process match values. Encouraged to navigate to the user MFA Factor Deactivated event card was an internal error with call Provider ( ). Can not have more than { 0 } enrolled servers value in five-minute increments up... Specified user is n't sent to the application temporary overloading or maintenance of the server within the same time and! Further information about what caused this error round-robins between SMS providers with every resend request to help delivery... To Enable a custom IdP Factor for existing SAML or OIDC MFA authenticator on! Existing verified phone number ca n't have more than { 0 } servers. That allow users to check these folders if their email authentication message n't! The setup instructions for that Identity Provider ( s ) more than { 0 } servers. This verification replaces authentication with another non-password Factor, such as Okta Verify for macOS Windows... Modifying/Deleting the group error message that you are getting during the login a token.! No options selected ( software-based certificate ): Enable Okta FastPass expire their password immediately, `` activate '' be. ( IdP ) authentication allows admins to Enable a custom SAML or OIDC authenticator! Click add Identity Provider there, what is the exact error message that you are getting during login... The Okta Identity Cloud for Security Operations application is now available on the.! Security Operations application is now available on the ServiceNow Store $ { factorId } /transactions/ $ { }! Method, operation failed because user profile is mastered under another system with every resend to.

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