An alternately spliced c-myb mRNA encodes a truncated version of p75c-myb (mbm2) that includes the DNA binding region and nuclear localization signal present in the c-myb protein, but does not contain the transcriptional regulatory regions. Downregulation of Usp16, either by mutation of a single normal Usp16 allele or by short interfering RNAs, largely rescues all of these defects. These studies suggest that there is a cancer stem cell compartment in the MMTV-Wnt-1 murine breast tumor and that there is a clinical utility of this model for the study of cancer stem cells. Transient overexpression of RGS18 attenuated inositol phosphates production via angiotensin receptor and transcriptional activation through cAMP-responsive element via M1 muscarinic receptor. His drumming was basic and, for the most part, appropriate for the Byrds' needs, although he was . Breast cancers contain a minority population of cancer cells characterized by CD44 expression but low or undetectable levels of CD24 (CD44+CD24-/low) that have higher tumorigenic capacity than other subtypes of cancer cells.We compared the gene-expression profile of CD44+CD24-/low tumorigenic breast-cancer cells with that of normal breast epithelium. Furthermore, we identify unique, CSC-specific, remodeling events. Multiple cell lines expressing variable levels of exogenous temperature-sensitive p53 were generated. Stem cells persist throughout life by self-renewing in numerous tissues including the central and peripheral nervous systems. Programmed cell death (PCD) plays an important role in normal and malignant hematopoieis. In the absence of Bmi-1, the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor gene p16Ink4a is upregulated in neural stem cells, reducing the rate of proliferation. In the validation data set, which included 314 patients, the rate of 5-year disease-free survival was lower among the 38 patients (12.1%) with CDX2 protein-negative colon cancers than among the 276 (87.9%) with CDX2 protein-positive colon cancers (hazard ratio, 2.42; 95% CI, 1.36 to 4.29; P=0.003). Mark Malloch Brown, Baron Malloch-Brown (* 1953), Politiker und stellvertretender Generalsekretr der Vereinten Nationen. Clinical and Therapeutic Implications of Cancer Stem Cells Reply, Solid tumor cancer stem cells: From bench to bedside, ASXL1 regulates cellular differentiation and initiates tumorigenesis in colon. A shift-up in medium perfusion rates from 3.5/week to 7/week resulted in increased metabolic rates that resembled those observed in the cultures that were exchanged at the 7/week rate throughout, showing that the metabolic rates could be directly controlled by the perfusion rate. Data from individual tumor phenotypic analysis and serial transplants performed in limiting dilution show that residual tumors are enriched for cells with the CoCSC phenotype and have increased tumorigenic cell frequency. We propose the use of this promoter for transcriptional targeting of breast cancer. When a virus expressing the proapoptotic gene Bc1-xs (Clarke et al., Proc. To delineate more accurately the point at which Myb blocks differentiation, MEL cells were transfected with a human c-myb construct under the control of the beta-globin promoter and enhancers. The IGS was also associated with the prognosis in medulloblastoma (P=0.004), lung cancer (P=0.03), and prostate cancer (P=0.01). The complexity and inefficiency of chromatin immunoprecipitation strategies restrict their sensitivity and application when examining rare cell populations. We identify two distinct super-enhancers (SEs) associated with CD47 in certain cancer cell types. The expression of the E1A gene in both viruses is controlled by a minimal dual-specificity promoter that responds to estrogens and hypoxia. Reya, T., Morrison, S. J., Clarke, M. F., Weissman, I. L. Clinical protocol. Using terminal transferase-mediated dUTP-digoxigenin nick end labeling, we observed apoptotic cells at sites of bcl-xs adenoviral injection. The miR-30c-VIM/TWF1 signaling cascade is also associated with clinical outcome in breast cancer patients. We have studied the ability of c-myc and bcl-2 oncogenes to modulate p53 function. Light chain negative cells reexpressed light chains after time in culture. A., Li, Q., Mahmoudabadi, G., McGeever, A., Olivieri, J. E., Park, M., Ravikumar, N., Stanley, G., Tan, W., Tarashansky, A. J., Vanheusden, R., Wang, P., Wang, S., Xing, G., Xu, C., Yosef, N., Culver, R., Dethlefsen, L., Ho, P., Liu, S., Maltzman, J. S., Metzger, R. J., Sasagawa, K., Sinha, R., Song, H., Wang, B., Artandi, S. E., Beachy, P. A., Clarke, M. F., Giudice, L. C., Huang, F. W., Huang, K. C., Idoyaga, J., Kim, S. K., Kuo, C. S., Nguyen, P., Rando, T. A., Red-Horse, K., Reiter, J., Relman, D. A., Sonnenburg, J. L., Wu, A., Wu, S. M., Wyss-Coray, T. Molecular hallmarks of heterochronic parabiosis at single-cell resolution. Using model cell lines (NIH-3T3 and CV-1), it was shown that gene transfer rates can be increased by more than an order of magnitude using the same concentration infection medium. Individual phenotypic cancer cell subsets were purified, and their tumor-initiating properties were investigated by injection in NOD/SCID mice. Bockhorn, J., Dalton, R., Nwachukwu, C., Huang, S., Prat, A., Yee, K., Chang, Y., Huo, D., Wen, Y., Swanson, K. E., Qiu, T., Lu, J., Park, S. Y., Dolan, M. E., Perou, C. M., Olopade, O. I., Clarke, M. F., Greene, G. L., Liu, H. MicroRNA-30c targets cytoskeleton genes involved in breast cancer cell invasion. This model, first developed in human myeloid leukemias, is today being extended to solid tumors, such as breast and brain cancer. His writingson justice, ethics, democracy, and markets--have been translated into 27 languages. View details for Web of Science ID A1992GX27300015. This effect is the same as that of Lys-305 mutation. MACARTHUR, L. H., Clarke, M. F., Westin, E. H. THE INFLUENCE OF EXTRACELLULAR-MATRIX AND STROMA REMODELING ON THE PRODUCTIVITY OF LONG-TERM HUMAN BONE-MARROW CULTURES. Zarnegar, M. A., Reinitz, F. n., Newman, A. M., Clarke, M. F. CDX2 as a Prognostic Biomarker in Colon Cancer. Since only a portion of the cells in culture expressed Ig light chains, experiments were carried out to exclude the possibility that the cultures were not a mixture of B and T or non-B cells. We developed a new technique that replaces immunoprecipitation with a simplified chromatin fragmentation and proximity ligation step that eliminates bead purification and washing steps. Box 270211 Rochester, NY 14627. CD47 is therefore a validated target for cancer therapies. BIO-IMEB - Biofilms in Industry, Medicine & Environmental Biot, Galway, Ireland, 9-14 August 2003. Interstitial loss of all or part of the long arm of chromosome 5, or del(5q), is a frequent clonal chromosomal abnormality in human myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS, a preleukemic disorder) and acute myeloid leukemia (AML), and is thought to contribute to the pathogenesis of these diseases by deleting one or more tumor-suppressor genes. Okamoto, T., Reitz, M. S., Clarke, M. F., JAGODZINSKI, L. J., WONGSTAAL, F. Sequence-specific interaction of histones with the simian virus 40 enhancer region in vitro. Restoration of CTNNA1 expression in HL-60 cells resulted in reduced proliferation and apoptotic cell death. While the transfected cells grew normally in the presence of mutant p53 (37.5 degrees C), wild-type p53 (32.5 degrees C) was associated with a rapid loss of cell viability. Tumors originated from EpCAM(high)/CD44+ cells maintained a differentiated phenotype and reproduced the full morphologic and phenotypic heterogeneity of their parental lesions. Importantly, infection with the bcl-xS adenovirus resulted in rapid loss of cell viability, DNA fragmentation, and morphological features of apoptosis even in NB cells transfected to overexpress Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL. Herein, we present a discussion around the issues facing treatment of patients with CRCliver metastases, including the relationship of discretegene signatures with prognosis. Published Oct. 2, 2020 Updated Oct. 5, 2020. First, we quantitatively imaged physiologic remodeling of primary branches of the developing and regenerating mammary tree. The prognostic power of the IGS was increased when combined with the wound-response (WR) signature.The IGS is strongly associated with metastasis-free survival and overall survival for four different types of tumors. Michael Clarke Duncan was born on December 10, 1957 in Chicago, Illinois. Eighteen relapses occurred a median of 4 months after ABMT I (two late relapses at 28 and 44 months). This includes loss of a portion of the region involved in transcription activation as well as a separate highly conserved domain. Publications Journal Articles (89) Conference Papers (5) Journal Articles Clarke, Paul R. (2021). In some cancer cells, the process of self-renewal is de-regulated resulting in expansion of these cells and tumors. The metabolism of oxygen, although central to life, produces reactive oxygen species (ROS) that have been implicated in processes as diverse as cancer, cardiovascular disease and ageing. Down's syndrome results from full or partial trisomy of chromosome 21. Tumor kinetic rate constants (K1, k2, k3) and net rate of FDG phosphorylation (K = [K1.k3]/[k2 + k3]) in tumors were calculated from the dynamic data by means of a three-compartment model, assuming k4 = 0.Viable tumors (n = 10) showed intense FDG uptake and could easily be differentiated visually from mature teratoma (n = 6) and necrosis or scar (n = 10). It has been reported that Lysine-305 is needed for the nuclear import of the p53 protein (Liang et al., 1998). Therefore, infection with this virus preferentially kills estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer cells, or cells growing under hypoxic conditions. Aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 gene expression and enzymatic activity are elevated in CoCSC and using an in vitro culture system that maintains CoCSC as demonstrated by serial transplants and lentiviral marking of single cell-derived clones, we further show that ALDH1 enzymatic activity is a major mediator of resistance to cyclophosphamide: a classical chemotherapeutic agent.CoCSC are enriched in colon tumors following chemotherapy and remain capable of rapidly regenerating tumors from which they originated. Here we describe two such clones and report that one of them transforms NIH-3T3 cells. In concert with endogenous DMSO-induced globin transcription during MEL cell differentiation, the beta-globin c-myb transcription unit of the transfected plasmid is activated after 3-5 days of culture in media containing DMSO. The reduced self-renewal of Bmi-1-deficient neural stem cells leads to their postnatal depletion. The main battle tanks have a maximum speed of around 43.5mph and a range of . View details for Web of Science ID 000073794800011. In both breast cancers and central nervous system tumors, cancer cells differ in their ability to form tumors. Cho, R. W., Wang, X., Diehn, M., Shedden, K., Chen, G. Y., Sherlock, G., Gurney, A., Lewicki, J., Clarke, M. F. What can we learn about breast cancer from stem cells? However, none of the NB cell lines expressed Bcl-xS. Constitutive expression of mbm2, in contrast to c-myb, here resulted in enhanced differentiation of F-MEL cells. All three analogues retained full agonist activity relative to the native protein (EC50 = 10-15 pM) when assayed for the stimulation of human bone marrow progenitor cell growth. Professor Michael Clarke 16 August 2021 9 Minute Read Share The tragedy in Afghanistan offers a sobering story for the UK, as it embarks on its 'Global Britain' future in the 2020s. Three clusters, miR-200c-141, miR-200b-200a-429, and miR-183-96-182 were downregulated in human BCSCs, normal human and murine mammary stem/progenitor cells, and embryonal carcinoma cells. View details for DOI 10.1073/pnas.0610117104, View details for Web of Science ID 000243761100053. Emerging evidence has suggested that the capability of a tumor to grow and propagate is dependent on a small subset of cells within a tumor, termed cancer stem cells. We performed in vivo imaging of changes in fluorescent, endogenous duct architecture as a metric for remodeling. These results demonstrate that Bcl-XL is capable of protecting cells from p53-mediated apoptosis, and suggest a possible mechanism by which tumors expressing Bcl-XL are able to partly overcome the tumor suppressor functions of p53. Expression of wild-type p53 phenotype for 24 hr before FdUrd treatment provided HT29 cells with virtually complete protection from cytotoxicity caused by this drug. These results suggest all human solid tumor cells require CD47 expression to suppress phagocytic innate immune surveillance and elimination. Clarke, M. F., Trainor, C. D., Mann, D. L., Gallo, R. C., Reitz, M. S. TRANSFORMING POTENTIAL OF HUMAN C-SIS NUCLEOTIDE-SEQUENCES ENCODING PLATELET-DERIVED GROWTH-FACTOR. High transduction rates could be obtained even in the absence of polycations, such as Polybrene, which heretofore have been required to achieve reasonable transduction rates. By focusing on the biology of CoCSC, major resistance mechanisms to specific chemotherapeutic agents can be attributed to specific genes, thereby suggesting avenues for improving cancer therapy. Alterations in the phenotype of the clones that expressed c-sis ranged from increased growth in soft agar to malignant tumor formation in nude and syngeneic mice. F-MEL clones expressing the highest levels of the human c-myb mRNA differentiate poorly in response to dimethyl sulfoxide. In culture, codelivery of virus and pE1 resulted in a large increase in infected cells when compared with control cells exposed to virus and pUC19. in Pounds- 159 lbs. In contrast, AdEHE2F was attenuated in nontransformed quiescent cells growing under normoxic conditions, suggesting that an intact pRB pathway with low levels of E2F transcription factors acts as a negative modulator for the virus. Northstar is a useful tool to assign known and novel cell type and states in the age of cell atlases. A novel regulator of G-protein signaling (RGS) has been isolated from a highly purified population of mouse long-term hematopoietic stem cells, and designated RGS18. It is most highly expressed in bone marrow followed by fetal liver, spleen, and then lung. Dr Ofer Fridman spoke on CNN about the nature of Russian hybrid warfare, discussed Israel's position in Russia and Ukraine border tensions in The Jerusalem Post and was in The i on whether Russia would attack the UK over the imposed sanctions. My research is located in three overlapping fields: (a) linguistic and cultural transfer from Mediterranean Antiquity to the medieval European vernaculars; (b) comparative study of epic and heroic narrative traditions, especially in Greek, Latin, and Babylonian, and of their Celtic and Germanic successors and analogues; (c) semantic Resistance to apoptosis plays an important role in tumors that are refractory to chemotherapy. Sugawara, Y., Zasadny, K. R., Grossman, H. B., Francis, I. R., Clarke, M. F., Wahl, R. L. The nuclear import of p53 is determined by the presence of a basic domain and its relative position to the nuclear localization signal, Role of p53 in the regulation of irradiation-induced apoptosis in neuroblastoma cells. Here, we identify a quiescent mammary epithelial cell population expressing high levels of Bcl11b and located at the interface between luminal and basal cells. In addition, Usp16 is associated with decreased ubiquitination of Cdkn2a and accelerated senescence in Ts65Dn fibroblasts. We extend this concept to identify cell types of origin using the Tabula Sapiens transcriptomic cell atlas as well as individual tissue transcriptomic cell atlases in combination with the Human Protein Atlas RNA consensus dataset. Analysis of HL-60 cells, a myeloid leukemia line with deletion of the 5q31 region, showed that the CTNNA1 promoter of the retained allele is suppressed by both methylation and histone deacetylation. However, deletions of more than two amino acids between this region abolished the transport of p53 into the nucleus. Dr. Michael F. Clarke is the Karel and Avice Beekhuis Professor in Cancer Biology and Associate Director of the Stanford Institute for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine. Replication-deficient viral vectors are currently being used in gene transfer strategies to treat cancer cells. View details for Web of Science ID A1996WD32200005. We assessed tumorigenicity using limiting dilution analysis.KIT and KITLG were expressed heterogeneously by a subset of human colon tumors. Murine CD18 can be expressed on the cell surface of up to 20% of the mature cells generated by the culture system, suggesting that clinically significant levels of gene transfer may be occurring. PROF. MICHAEL CLARKE (Director, Royal United Services Institute): I think the United States has been behind us in this respect. The calculated molecular weight of RGS18 is 27,610 and the isoelectric point is 8.63. Liu, H., Bockhorn, J., Dalton, R., Nwachukwu, C., Prat, A., Yee, K., Huang, S., Swanson, K., Perou, C. M., Olopade, O. I., Clarke, M. F., Greene, G. L. MicroRNA-203 restricts the proliferation capacity of normal colon and colon cancer stem cells by regulating the expression of Tcf4. [2] Parashurama, N., Lobo, N. A., Ito, K., Mosley, A. R., Habte, F. G., Zabala, M., Smith, B. R., Lam, J., Weissman, I. L., Clarke, M. F., Gambhir, S. S. Effect of stimulation of natural killer cells with an anti-CD137 mAb on the efficacy of trastuzumab, cetuximab, and rituximab. Nuovo ateismo o neo-ateismo, anche nella grafia neoateismo (in inglese New Atheism), una corrente di pensiero che raccoglie le posizioni promosse da alcuni atei del XXI secolo. Identifying the metastatic seeds of breast cancer. When isolated from mouse colon, cKit(+) cells promoted formation of organoids from Lgr5(+) stem cells, which expressed Kitl/stem cell factor, the ligand for cKit. Chen, E. C., Karl, T. A., Kalisky, T., Gupta, S. K., O'Brien, C. A., Longacre, T. A., De Rijn, M. V., Quake, S. R., Clarke, M. F., Rothenberg, M. E. KIT Signaling Promotes Growth of Colon Xenograft Tumors in Mice and Is Up-Regulated in a Subset of Human Colon Cancers. Palovics, R., Keller, A., Schaum, N., Tan, W., Fehlmann, T., Borja, M., Kern, F., Bonanno, L., Calcuttawala, K., Webber, J., McGeever, A., Tabula Muris Consortium, Luo, J., Pisco, A. O., Karkanias, J., Neff, N. F., Darmanis, S., Quake, S. R., Wyss-Coray, T., Almanzar, N., Antony, J., Baghel, A. S., Bakerman, I., Bansal, I., Barres, B. The isolation and characterization of these stem cells should help elucidate the molecular pathways that govern normal mammary development and carcinogenesis. Synchronized cells allowed to pass out of G1 prior to being placed at 32.5 degrees C continued to cycle until subsequently arrested in G1; loss of viability occurred following G1 arrest. He has published internationally on the ecology and conservation biology of birds, reptiles, mammals, fish and plants. This physiochemical limitation can be overcome, and effective contact between the retroviral gene carrier and the target cell can be obtained, by using net convective flow of retrovirus-containing medium through a layer of target cells. View details for Web of Science ID 000178077600006. When organoids were depleted of cKit(+) cells using a toxin-conjugated antibody, organoid formation decreased.cKit marks small intestinal Paneth cells and a subset of colonic goblet cells that are regulated by Notch signaling and support Lgr5(+) stem cells. Therapeutic Implications of the Cancer Stem Cell Hypothesis, Dysregulated gene expression networks in human acute myelogenous leukemia stem cells. Treatment of these T-cells with 5-azacytidine resulted in the induction of DR surface antigen expression, the appearance of DR alpha mRNA, and the partial demethylation of the DR alpha DNA sequences. Until 2001 he was Deputy Vice-Principal and Director for Research Development at King's College London, where he remains a Visiting Professor of Defence Studies. These pathways are commonly repressed in cancer, suggesting a mechanism by which early progenitor cells could gain the ability to self-renew and become malignant with further oncogenic mutations. Bockhorn, J., Yee, K., Chang, Y., Prat, A., Huo, D., Nwachukwu, C., Dalton, R., Huang, S., Swanson, K. E., Perou, C. M., Olopade, O. I., Clarke, M. F., Greene, G. L., Liu, H. Innate immune response to homologous rotavirus infection in the small intestinal villous epithelium at single-cell resolution. Prior to coming to UK, Dr. Clark was the Chief Economist for the Kentucky Legislative Research . Michael Clarke was the original drummer of the Byrds, appearing on their first five albums before leaving around the end of 1967.Clarke was the least talented of the five members that were on the Byrds' 1965-1967 recordings, as unlike the others as could be, since he did almost no songwriting. Four major epithelial subtypes or transcriptional states were revealed by gene expression analysis of selected populations of single cells. Subsequently, the majority of tumors adapt to the withdrawal of KrasG12D expression and return. Recently, it has become apparent that some oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes also regulate self-renewal, the process by which stem cells maintain themselves. The cumulative data provide the foundation for an atlas of transcriptomic cell biology. This development may play an important role in realizing human gene therapy. Biography. In contrast to our previous experience, where all such lines expressed T cell markers, these two cell lines expressed B cell antigens and Ig light chains (kappa on CF-2, lambda on HS). We found that adult and fetal mouse and adult human HSCs express the proto-oncogene Bmi-1. Thus, we reveal USP16 as a novel target in an AD model that can both ameliorate the NPC defect and rescue memory and learning through its regulation of both Cdkn2a and BMP signaling.'. Here we developed a CSC model for the study of human colorectal cancer (CRC). No activating mutations in KIT were detected in DLD1, POP77, or UM-COLON#8 cells. Lower ROS levels in CSCs are associated with increased expression of free radical scavenging systems. View details for Web of Science ID A1984TY56600006. We report that Bcl-XL, which functions like Bcl-2 to inhibit apoptosis, is highly expressed in MCF-7 human breast carcinoma cells. During dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO)-induced differentiation of Friend mouse erythroleukemia (MEL) cells there is a biphasic fall in c-myb mRNA levels. In contrast, at least some of these sites were not methylated in DNA from the B-cells expressing high levels of DR alpha mRNA. Diehn, M., Cho, R. W., Dorie, M., KULP, A., Weissman, I. L., Brown, M., Clarke, M. F. Cancer stem cells in head and neck squamous carcinoma. This study demonstrates that combining global gene expression analysis with detailed annotated pathway resources applied to highly enriched normal and malignant stem cell populations, can yield an understanding of the critical pathways regulating cancer stem cells. Tumors injected four times with the bcl-xs adenovirus showed a 50% reduction in size. Room 424:1 Advanced Engineering Building (49) . Adjunct Senior Lecturer Dr Michael Williams. The aim of the present study was to determine the effects of Bcl-xS expression on the viability of NB cells. We compared commercially available single-cell RNA amplification methods with both microliter and nanoliter volumes, using sequence from bulk total RNA and multiplexed quantitative PCR as benchmarks to systematically evaluate the sensitivity and accuracy of various single-cell RNA-seq approaches. Here we show that normal mammary epithelial stem cells contain lower concentrations of ROS than their more mature progeny cells. Cancer stem cells and tumor metastasis: First steps into uncharted territory, Bmi-1-green fluorescent protein-knock-in mice reveal the dynamic regulation of Bmi-1 expression in normal and leukemic hematopoietic cells. Michael Clarke is a British academic who specialises in defence studies. These results indicated the involvement of cis-acting sequences in the regulation of p53 subcellular localization. View details for Web of Science ID A1990DX36100002, View details for Web of Science ID A1989T821800013. The safety and efficacy of targeting CD47 was further tested and validated in immune competent hosts using an orthotopic mouse breast cancer model. Programmed cell death, or apoptosis, may play an important role in the regulation of hematopoiesis. The combination of tissue-specific and tumor-specific elements offers the possibility to artificially develop such promoters. When breast cancer cells mixed with hematopoietic cells were infected with the bcl-x(s) adenovirus, cancer cells were selectively killed by the suicide adenoviruses. Stem cells generate the differentiated cell types within many organs throughout the lifespan of an organism and are thus ultimately responsible for the longevity of multicellular organisms. View details for Web of Science ID 000268227400008, View details for Web of Science ID 000209702603139, View details for Web of Science ID 000209701800291. Recent studies have begun to elucidate the mechanisms controlling hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) self-renewal. These analogues were compared to determine the effect of biotinylation on biological activity and GM-CSF receptor binding characteristics. Patsialou, A., Bravo-Cordero, J., Wang, Y., Liu, H., Clarke, M. F., Condeells, J. S. Deregulation of stem cell self-renewal pathways in cancer, MicroRNA-30c inhibits human breast tumour chemotherapy resistance by regulating TWF1 and IL-11. Microarray-based multigene-expression signatures derived from stem cells and progenitor cells hold promise, but they are difficult to use in clinical practice. Recent observations indicate that, in several types of human cancer, only a phenotypic subset of cancer cells within each tumor is capable of initiating tumor growth. While the class is nonetheless challenging, Professor Clark does his best to help all students pass. Three seminoma patients remain progression-free. Bmi-1 was expressed at its highest levels in undifferentiated leukemia cells. The molecular mechanisms that control the self-renewal of HSCs are still largely unknown. Betancur, P. A., Abraham, B. J., Yiu, Y. Y., Willingham, S. B., Khameneh, F., Zarnegar, M., Kuo, A. H., McKenna, K., Kojima, Y., Leeper, N. J., Ho, P., Gip, P., Swigut, T., Sherwood, R. I., Clarke, M. F., Somlo, G., Young, R. A., Weissman, I. L. Colorectal Cancer Liver Metastasis: Evolving Paradigms and Future Directions. The biotinylated proteins migrated with the same molecular weight as the native, unmodified protein as determined by SDS-PAGE and could be detected by Western blotting with alkaline phosphatase conjugated streptavidin, thus demonstrating the biotin linkage. Such as breast and brain cancer expressing the highest levels in undifferentiated leukemia cells apoptotic. Is most highly expressed in bone marrow followed by fetal liver, spleen, and lung... A metric for remodeling when a virus expressing the proapoptotic gene Bc1-xs ( Clarke et al., 1998.. 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