The Bolivian city of Tiwanaku, considered by the Inca as the sacred place of their origin, was also home to a great civilization that flourished between AD 200 and 900. An example of high-precision small holes. Interviews with modern day stonemasons have revealed that even with todays advanced technology, it would be extremely difficult to replicate the precision observed in the stones found at Puma Punku. Check any high school chemistry book from 1950 or 1960 against any high school chemistry book now, as example. Available at:, Peque, J.M. 1. Just because we live in a fast moving, mostly urban, disposable society does not mean a past civilization took that route. rafken from The worlds my oyster on April 06, 2012: Very good hub. Teotihuacn: City of the Gods or Ancient Spaceport? Defining Bad Archaeology Diversity in archaeology Misrepresentation Why not ignore it? #83. interesting comments over the yearsFirst of all, knowledge is NEVER lost, its just not used for todays life style. Another group of archaeologists used the carbon dating method to date the construction of Puma Punku to between 400-600 AD. If i had the means I will build my self a craft & explore the universe &, all what lies in it, that will be some thing then only i will know who god. I haven't a clue as to how some of these ancient megaliths were built.I like to think I've been around the block on this subject,but ?????????wtf? Yeager said the Incas held the fallen stone portraits near Puma Punku to be models of the first humans from their creation myth. great page. I belong to a tribal region in Meghalaya, INDIA (South East Asia). Pumapunku and its surrounding homes and monuments emptied suddenly. To learn from the world around us through observation, or by gathering knowledge in schools. Run along and donate to your church, now. Judging by the degree of erosion, they have to be way older. The Iliad can provide new insights on the role of motherhood among the ancient Greek gods, and by extension, amongst ancient mortal Greek women themselves. Generally it is agreed that the large red sandstone blocks were quarried about 10 km (6.21 miles) away from Puma Punku and the smaller, more ornamental andesite was sourced about 90 km (55.92 miles) away on the shores of Lake Titicaca. That's a VERY long time to be scratching in the dirt without achieving anything. We are here for a very short time. Yes these were ancient aliens that look alot like us and they did leave us a few teaser foot prints of information and building, etc and they worked with the mostly uncivilized peoples and passed along some simple knowledge, that is interesting, why because these mostly uncivilized peoples were not capable of these feats without someones guidance and mentoring for years.. (2010) The Non-Mystery of Pumapunku. Skeptoid Podcast. The Pumapunku (Gateway of the Puma or Jaguar), a highly damaged pre-Columbian monument at the ancient archaeological site of Tiwanaku, Bolivia, has been reconstructed using 3D printed miniature models of architectural fragments. watch it and 1 or 2 cools things might be true. AtAncient Origins, we believe that one of the most important fields of knowledge we can pursue as human beings is our beginnings. God made us in his image(they made us who we are). It still doesn't answer how these stones got there. why is there no mention of gobleki tepe? As the pyramid rose, the upper chambers were completed while they were still open to sunlight and airetc etc. When your website mentioned the imperial city CUSZO meaning navel of the earth, it was EERIE since - One of our most important historic and cultural treasure is 'U Lum Sohpetbneng" Peak (1434 metres) which in our language means 'navel of heaven', it symbolises the deep rooted spiritual belief of the Hynniewtrep the Sevenhuts people. I know they are emphasizing timing and a schedule I must be aware of. FWIW: Aymara is the language of the lupihakes ("shining beings"). Treasure hunters, too, have harvested many of the sites relics: rare metal ornaments, bright jewelry, and colorful potsherds. Maps such as the Piri Reis (1513) and the Oronteus Finaeus (1531) have been found that pre-date European discoveries. And no one seems to be paying attention to the fact that the Aymara insist that Puma Punku was built "by the gods" in "a single night". The MilkyWay our galaxy is the largest of the easily viewable galaxys. SEE!! All we have to go on are the magnificent stones that remain. I am not taking sides on the role, if any, played by extraterrestrial beings in the construction of Puma Punku. Please subscribe now at Puma Punku is part of a large anc. As was the case of great cities all over the world, Tiwanaku started out as a simple farming village without a hierarchy among its inhabitants. Photo credit, The numerous H-shaped blocks all match each other with extreme precision and fit into each other like Lego blocks. Pumapunku, a terraced earthen mound walled with intricately carved blocks, stretched toward the sky. But here is something to think about and ponder, being as advanced as they are, they new when our planet and sun was about to have a MEE Mass Extintion Event and they stopped returning. In the face of that it's frustrating that there is not a more open discussion of such possibilities. Now the last two years I have started hearing voices - whispers and seeing things - people here and there. LUM SOHPETBNENG PEAK (NAVEL OF HEAVEN), 2. Archaeologist Neil Steede, for example, has discussed how the astronomical alignments of the main temple at the site do suggest that it was built to coincide with the summer and winter solstices and the spring equinox as these events would have been seen 17,000 years ago. Survival proved to be more difficult during the onset of the El Nio phenomenon which resulted either in intense rains or droughts. Even with modern-day technology and information, these structures defy logic and confound those who seek to solve the mysteries that lie within them. I can remember watching the sky night and day with other people and talking extensively about itbut I dont know why. Not to mention that no one has explained how the molds for the concrete were made with such small grooves and holes in them. Then much later, the black-headed people came across the Bering and claimed the ruins and all the non-ferrous metals. Thegoal of Ancient Origins is to highlight recent archaeological discoveries, peer-reviewed academic research and evidence, as well as offering alternative viewpoints and explanations of science, archaeology, mythology, religion and history around the globe. It remains to be shown whether their forays into other dimensions offered these early people a special insight into how to create their megaliths or even how to contact beings who could teach them advanced methodologies. Good Hub. It may have simply been where class was conducted. SOLVED! Does this mean Puma Punku was at sea level when it was built? THERE'S A LOT OF ANCIENT WISDOM AND KNOWLEDGE THAT MODERN MAN CANNOT EXPLAIN. they all ran away. Impossible? Available at:, Newman, H. (2018) New Discoveries at Tiwanaku & Puma Punku: The Lost Statue of Viracocha and Secret Rooms of Hidden Artifacts. Ancient Origins. The interaction was not a one-way street, however, as the Tiwanaku-style artifacts were found in some parts of Peru and as far as Argentinaevidence of Tiwanakus far-reaching political and economic influence in the region. All it takes is a reason to do it, the will to do so, the right materials, and time to develop the know-how (the evolution of heavy-lift offshore cranes did not occur overnight). Is The London Hammer An Ancient, Out of Place Artifact? Scientists are supposed to have open minds when theres a lack of evidence or evidence that contradicts accepted theory. It's called KHOH RAMHAH (meaning khoh-basket and ramhah-giant). The site, and many others like it, is an anomaly to modern science and is therefore avoided. Well said historyguy83, I guess they're tired of speculating because that's all they can do. There is always an interaction going on between us and them, they are apart of our existences, they affect our behavior and what we see and think. The ruins of Pumapunku, where the open courtyard was likely to have stood. JUST SPIRITUAL WISDOM AND KNOWLEDGE!! Even today, the fashioning of these megaliths can only be accomplished with advanced diamond-tipped saws and drill bits. It grew and expanded as its people did, reflecting the increasing power of the civilization that built and rebuilt it over hundreds of years. Could Discovery of 9.7 Million Year Old Teeth Rewrite History? The present mistery of the mstodontic old constructions, is , therefore, logically explained. The red sandstone and andesite stones were cut in such a precise way that its as if they were cut using a diamond tool, and they can fit perfectly into and lock with each other. Did they have advanced technology similar to ours and then die off? If you look at them from above, they're simply squarish enclosures scattered about the area. Our sun is of a type that will someday expand and burn Earth to a crisp. Tiwanaku (a.k.a. Even when i was really little - age 5, 6, 7 etc i used to === night dream and day dream about steps and pyramids. But some researchers have contested this, pointing out that new climate research suggests the regions drought didnt begin until decades after the start of the Tiwanaku civilizations collapse. If he learned it, why did society largely forget his knowledge? He was asked, do your stories have no relevance in todays world? For that matter, let's see anyone make those perfect, precise grooves in ANY materiel by hand. It would seem, however,that they would either have or not have adequate power to undertake such an endeavour. The elder replied that yes, his stories seems to have lost all relevance in todays world, the younger mans stories are more captivating an exciting an need to be told for todays young peoplebuthe replied, my stories are never an will never be lost, even if no one talks to me until the day i die an i cannot pass these stories on my stories will never be lost. All Rights Reserved. if i had a way, i would go visit these sites an ask for answers, not from man, but from the creator. To me a flood doesn't explain how the rocks are broken up in pieces smaller than marbles to Hugh pieces.It's as if the pieces of rock resemble stratnal from a bomb. Carbon dating only works on organic matter, which is where carbon is found. THERE'S ALSO A LOT OF ARTICLES ABOUT SO CALLED GIANTS YOUR INTERNET COMMUNITY CALLS NEPHILIMS. Weight against weight - strength for strength. Her are some info: Posnansky was one of the first modern explorers to examine the site but his hypothesis continues to have many supporters. No doubt you'll be combing your visit to Puma Punku with a visit to Tiwanaku, and I'd say it's worth the time and money to visit these 2 archaeological sites and the 2 museums. Well, we also have our fair share of ancient giants with evidence to link their existence. Being a construction worker I know that construction methods were never 'lost'. This Conspiracy Claims the Smithsonian Destroys Giant Skeletons, Explore the Mystery of Native American Creation Myths. As for the stones, I think we both agree some power source was used to move this material from the quarry ten miles awaycut, drill and polish them and stack them in some configuration. The truth is these people, or whatever, might not even have been related to "us"- Homo Sapien Sapiens. His works are in the Louvre and the Hermitage. Puma Punku is a part of a temple complex in Bolivia, Andes Mountains. ". The houses of the elite, as well as the ceremonial centers, were built on the lake and surrounded by a moat. Ok - So Ive read a lot of the posts and nobody has a logical answer - My theory is possibly dinosaurs could have been trained to move the huge stones or maybe there was ice after all it is a very high altitude area as there are no trees. In my opinion, I think that civilizations, many civilizations at that, were erected, survived longer than we currently have or will, and were wiped off the planet in the remote, remote past, leaving little evidence. There are a lot of plausible reasons why we haven't. What a mystery! Mystery of Puma Punku: With David Childress, Hugh Newman, Philip Coppens, George Noory. Animals were not used. The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. This was followed with great interest all over Europe. Only a speck in the history as we know it. Looking at the quarry where they were taken from, many of these stones could have been tooled at the place they got them, making them smaller and easy to transport. Puma Punku is suppoed to be incredibly ancient and impossible for known Andean cultures to have built. A link to reset your password has been sent to you. There are only great stones that once fit together, creating a structure some four levels high. We don't need to know more than what it takes to make a living so most do not try. Was it destroyed by calamity, or by the ones who built it, or by enemies bent on its destruction. We'll need a time machine for that. All I know is 5 years of "soul searching' and self study. We believe our ancestors were stronger and smarter coz human blood was purer and sin was not rampant. One fact that is undeniable, however, is that the entire region and its people were important in the ancient world of South America. Sum1uallno from Mexico City, Mexico on August 14, 2013: The greatest mystery of all time is was Puma Punku 3 years ago? It is highly unlikely that any of the stones in Puma Punku were cut using ancient stone-cutting techniques, at least not those that we are aware of. And we have just started looking for these building blocks of life with primative tools at mostly near by suns. No machines. Attractive design ideal for your home, office, church . Much of the masonry is characterized by accurately cut rectilinear blocks of such uniformity that they could be interchanged for one another while maintaining a level surface and even joints. Its weight has been estimated to be 85.21 metric tons. It grew and expanded as its people did, reflecting the increasing power of the civilization that built and rebuilt it over hundreds of years. He wasn't talking about the evolution of man when he wrote his book, but he was talking about the evolution of animals an plants. Is it a stretch to suggest that a form of cement could have been formed and finished in the making of these stones? Many of the joints are so precise that not even a razor blade will fit between the stones. We found it on earthpossibly mars in the pastand possibly now in the liquid oceans of europa., I am sure you are familiar with his legend which states that he was born in a manger surrounded by shepherds, about The Awe-Inspiring Karnak Temple Complex and Vatican of Ancient Egypt, about Ancient Egyptian Weapons: The Evolution of Warfare, about The Cataclysm of Ra: Saving Humankind from Hathor Using Beer, about Helicopter Hieroglyphs? @MdBilly actually, each galaxy is a universe in unto itself. If a lighter ferrous material were used, it would have disappeared due to corrosion long ago. But one thing is for sure, we are way, way past over do for another MEE for the 5th time. These folks are reverse engineering the Universe - less than 50-50 chance of getting it correct. A quick examination of both sites shows major differences in building styles and the quality of stonework. With the technology that we currently have today, it would be extremely difficult to recreate the site of these ruins, if possible at all. A society such as this could grow with sensibilities that were more aligned with sustaining a small population with strong local groupings. Pieces of Pumapunku that show the complex system by which the bricks were slotted together. Stones stay for a long time. A worldwide flood? Puma Punku ("Puma Gate") is a megalithic platform that lies around a kilometre to the south-west of the main complex at Tiwanaku; the zone between has been shown by geophysics to contain numerous structures. If so, what caused it? An elder (native) was asked why not that many people come to talk to him any more an why do the young people go to talk to this younger man who has stories to share an the young people are quite taken with him? Pumapunku or Puma Punku ( Aymara and Quechua which literally means 'Gate of the Puma') is a 6th-century T-shaped and strategically aligned man-made terraced platform mound with a sunken court and monumental structure on top that is part of the Pumapunku complex, at the Tiwanaku Site near Tiwanacu, in western Bolivia. Why, if i may pose a question, does the absence of any written word automatically denote that they are stupid or less intelligent than we are today? On this tour, begin with pickup at your La Paz hotel and explore with your guide. The nearest quarry is at least 10 miles away from the site of the ruins. The simple answer: We have absolutely no idea who did all this or even how they could have done it. Since there is no equipment found, it follows that whoever built the fortress, retrieved their equipment, and then destroyed the fortress. In addition, some of the stones were held together with copper fasteners, some of which were cold hammered into shape, and others that were poured into place molten.. Karnak in Egypt is the largest known religious complex on Earth located on the east side of the River Nile at the ancient Egyptian city of Thebes. It was also a pilgrimage site which drew the people from distant Cochabamba and Moquegua regions who travelled to dedicate sacrifices and celebrate feasts. Ellen Lloyd - - The mysterious site known as Puma Punku, "The Gateway of the Puma.". The blocks are cut and shaped so well they fit together perfectly. Your guide sheds light on a civilization pre-dating the Incas. One guy was born way back then, super genius stone cutter and fitter. Ivar the Boneless was likely the son of legendary Viking king Ragnar Lothbrok, and raided alongside his father and brothers, eventually becoming ruler of York in England in the 9th century AD. Some of the stones are in an unfinished state, showing some of the techniques used to shape them. More at Precisely carved stone at Pumapunku ruins, Pre-Columbian archaeological site, Bolivia. If they had advanced power I believe they cranked it up to 10 and got the job donemuch like we do. These are remnants of last civilization when earth shifted its axis of rotation. Other stone art depicts what archeologists think is the veneration of ancestors. Still. (2019) Pumapunku, The Ancient Ruins Where The Inca Believed The World Began. Ati. I was confused and said nothing to anyone. And Terry's proof of this claim, presumably? Just can't remember clearly on January 05, 2013: Bio-machines orbiting in outer space and inner earth space that can effect our perception of reality. Herodotus speculated there were hidden passages beneath the pyramids, as well as chambers, pathways, and great spaces all of which were created when the climate and topography of Egypt were very different than it is today. Fish were caught from the lake and placed in the ditches beside the rows. The blocks were so precisely cut as to suggest the possibility of prefabrication and mass production, technologies far in advance of the Tiwanakus Inca successors hundreds of years later. They were initially pounded by stone hammerswhich can still be found in numbers on local andesite quarries, creating depressions, and then slowly ground and polished with flat stones and sand. Both are very well written, but approach the subject very differently. Where is their curiostythey're imagination? This block seems to get the most attention, as there is a perfect groove with identically spaced precision-cut 6mm holes drilled along the cut. They mined the elements they needed. I know I my heart aches for missing my king and my people I loved so very much. or get those perfect inside corners right by banging away with a hand chisel. . Understanding the Mysterious Kingdom of Shambhala, The Irish Story and Legend of C Chulainn, Aluxes: The Mischievous Little People of Maya Mythology, The Curious Apparitions of Pagan Goddesses to the German Knights Templar, The Truth Behind the Christ Myth: Ancient Origins of the Often Used Legend Part I, Translation of 5,500-Year-Old Babel Text from China Reveals Oldest Known Map of Inner Solar System, 3: The Perfect Number - Trinity Symbolism in World Religious Traditions, The Gristhorpe Man: A Bronze Age Skeleton with a Story to Tell, A Blazing Weapon: Unraveling the Mystery of Greek Fire, New Evidence Shows Humans Were Using Bows and Arrows in 52,000 BC, Medieval Hygiene Might Have Been Better Than You Think, 6 Advanced Ancient Inventions Beyond Modern Understanding. Only my pictures in my mind. advanced species can easily direct objects directly into earth's direction. Without a major above and below ground dig, all they have are these ridiculously perfect stones that would be hard to duplicate today. They also might have opted for deep underwater or underground bases. What is the meaning of AD, BC, BCE and CE? Puma punku was a terraced earthen mound originally faced with megalithic blocks, each weighing several tens of tons. Puma Punku (literally "The Door of the Cougar") sounds like a new fashion designer brand, but it's actually one of the most puzzling structures built by any ancient civilization. Or, maybe he just didn't ever find any students capable of fully learning what he knew, and the advanced techniques died when he did. But the bottom line is things are in Gods hands and only He knows the time for things to come to and end again. These maps show the coastline of South America, rivers, and even part of Antarctica, which was not thought to have been mapped until 1818. The building blocks of life permeate throughout all space and time. Posnansky, who worked at the site for decades, estimated that Puma Punku was far older than academics surmised. They are considered a source of spiritual energy linking the person to our heavenly brethren. If the people who built this place cut these stones using stone cutting techniques, then they would have had to have used diamond tools. As with so many areas featuring crafted structures of such weight and size some of which are more than 20 feet tall and tens of thousands of pounds skeptics of academic conclusions begin with the same questions: How were these structures built, and who really built them?. Then again, the bribe required to pay Bolivian officials might be a deal breaker. The Horsemen of Oyo were legendary warriors who served the Oyo Empire of West Africa. 33 Hells Angels Photos That Put You Inside The Notorious Biker Gang, Rare Case Of Coffin Birth Found In Medieval Gravesite, What Stephen Hawking Thinks Threatens Humankind The Most, 27 Raw Images Of When Punk Ruled New York, Join The All That's Interesting Weekly Dispatch. The remnant would have had to start civilization all over again, and of course, the ancient records would be lost. I've visited the sites more than once, t. Klotz / Wikimedia CommonsA close-up of the carvings on the famous Tiwanaku Gate of the Sun. Puma Punku, in turn, means "The Door of the Puma." Even landfills would eventually decompose into an unrecognizable mass. A reed boat on Lake Titcaca. An interesting thing in regards to it being a seaport Lake Titicaca is the only place in the world with freshwater seahorses.. Puma Punku does indeed look like a usable seaport. 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