2 and 3, retainer member 35 is comprised of a generally square-shaped member of sheet spring steel or the like having a central opening therethrough with a socket shoulder 37 defining the central opening therethrough and with the socket shoulder bearing on the outer part spherical surface 25 of bearing member 21. Further, it will be noted in FIG. A dumb bell-shaped felt piece with a narrower center section and enlarged ends is surrounded by a closely fitting, compressed coil spring that gives rigidity to the felt piece, and which keeps the enlarged ends spread apart . Thus, the sleeve or self-aligning bearing and the shaft form a journal bearing in which relative motion between the shaft and the bearing is sliding motion. Corresponding reference characters indicate corresponding parts throughout the several view of the drawings. The core has a bore 6 extending longitudinally therethrough. 4. Referring now to the drawings and particularly to FIG. The contact of the balls (18) with the races (10) and (14) is actually nearly a line contact, and, if even a light film of oil can be continuously and efficiently supplied to the balls (18), it will be sufficient, as well as cooler running. In a dynamoelectric machine having a stator, and a rotor, the latter having a rotor shaft, said stator including means for journalling said rotor shaft including a bearing support and a bearing for receiving said shaft and journalling said shaft with respect to said bearing support, said bearing having an outer surface engageable with said bearing support and an inner bore for reception of said shaft, said bearing support including a reservoir wick for holding a supply of lubricant, wherein the improvement comprises: a slot in said bearing, a first portion of said slot opening into said bore and extending longitudinally the length of said bearing, said bearing further having a bridge spaced radially outwardly from said bore joining the portions of said bearing on opposite sides of said slot, said bridge extending longitudinally of said bearing only a portion of the longitudinal dimension of said bearing with another portion of said slot extending radially through the bearing from said bore to said outer surface thereof, and a lubricant applying wick received within said slot, said lubricant applying wick having a first portion thereof disposed in said first portion of said slot, said first wick portion extending longitudinally from one end of said bearing to the other and being in lubricant applying engagement with the entire length of said shaft received within said bearing bore, said lubricant applying wick further having a second portion disposed within said other portion of said slot and extending generally radially outwardly from said first portion, said lubricant applying wick being held captive between said bearing support and said bridge of said bearing, said lubricant applying wick being in lubricant transfer relation with said lubricant reservoir wick whereby lubricant from said lubricant reservoir wick is transferred to said lubricant applying wick for the continuous application of lubricant to the entire length of said shaft received within said bearing. 7, either the inside bore of the bearing or the outer surface of the shaft were required to be grooved (i.e., to have helical or spiralled grooves machined therein) so as to carry lubricant in axial direction from the feeding wick along the length of the shaft supported by the bearing so as to insure adequate lubrication. 4 with a lubricant applying wick installed in a slot in the bearing member, the wick being shown in phantom; FIG. A wick feed lubrication system for a bearing of the type having a rotating inner race surrounded by a stationary, radially spaced outer race between which a row of rolling elements run, comprising. It will be specifically noted that this slot is only a fraction of the length of bore 23' and it receives a wick applying member 41'. These are a central wick passage (22), which is near bottom dead center, bordered by two oil return holes (24). 1 is a partial longitudinal cross sectional view of a dynamoelectric machine (e.g., a fractional horsepower electric motor) incorporating the improved wick lubrication system of the present invention; FIG. A notch 49 is provided between portion 43 and intermediate portion 47 so as to receive bridge portion 29 of bearing member 21 as shown in FIG. Corresponding reference characters indicate corresponding parts throughout the several view of the drawings. This is best illustrated in FIG. Typically, the motor includes a rotor shaft, a bearing support and a self-aligning bearing supported thereby journalling the rotor shaft of the motor. Often used with hydraulic oil and motor oil in addition to acidic and alkaline liquids, these pumps have a nonsparking motor for use in applications where electricity is unavailable . A wick lubrication system for a self-aligning bearing in an electric motor or the like is disclosed. 5), as indicated by dimension L. In FIG. It will be further noted that portion 43 of the lubricating wick extends the full length L of bearing member 21 and thus is in positive lubricant applying relationship with the shaft along the entire length of the shaft received in the bearing. Oil-mist lubricating systems should operate at pressures of ___ psi. Turn off the circulating pump. This allows so called "sealed for life" designs. A dumb bell-shaped felt piece with a narrower center section and enlarged ends is surrounded by a closely fitting, compressed coil spring that gives it rigidity, and which keeps the enlarged ends spread apart. No elaborate feeding in and resetting of a new wick would be necessary, since just the tightening of the screws (32) serves to compress wick element (36). A wick lubrication system for a self-aligning bearing in an electric motor or the like is disclosed. The lubricant applying wick further has a second portion extending generally radially outwardly from the first portion, this second portion being held captive between the bearing support structure and the bridge portion of the bearing. Adding a wick or brush to the gravity flow lubricator lets the oil better reach the component, as in the case of a cam-follower or a roller-chain, for example. The oil is thrown upward as droplets or fine mist and provides adequate lubrication to valve mechanisms, piston pins, cylinder walls, and piston rings. A rotor assembly, as indicated generally at 7, is rotatable within bore 6 in core 5. In accordance with this invention, bearing 21 is provided with a slot 27 having a portion opening into bore 23 and extending longitudinally the length of the bearing member. Force feed i. Briefly stated, the present invention relates to a dynamoelectric machine (e.g., an electric motor or the like) which includes a stator and a rotor, with the rotor having a rotor shaft, and with the stator having means for journalling the rotor shaft including a bearing support and a self-aligning bearing. Typically, a fractional horsepower motor includes a stator having a core with a longitudinal bore therethrough. Check that the oil temperature is high enough. 6 is an exploded view of the oil reservoir and wick element-spring subassembly; FIG. Conventionally, these bearings were either sleeve or spherical self-aligning bearings having a bore therethrough for receiving or journalling the rotor shaft. Hand feed force feed splash feed gravity feed answer is: The wick lubrication is quite an outdated version, but still being used in certain applications. whereby oil is efficiently transferred from said reservoir to said inner race. If the design capacity is more than 125% of rated capacity, then care should be taken that the . Tool Weight 1.3 lb. Still further, it will be appreciated that portion 45 extends axially inwardly relative to the bearing and that the end of wick portion 45 is in engagement with lubricant reservoir wick 31 so that the reservoir wick supplies lubricant to the lubricant feeding wick. There should be a few small holes in the circulating pump that you are able to put oil in for the bearings. Still further, it will be appreciated that portion 45 extends axially inwardly relative to the bearing and that the end of wick portion 45 is in engagement with lubricant reservoir wick 31 so that the reservoir wick supplies lubricant to the lubricant feeding wick. This is best illustrated in FIG. A. increase pressure and distribute lubricant. Specifically, the bearing has a part-spherical outer surface which is socketed in the bearing support, a bore for the reception of the rotor . 4 with a lubricant applying wick installed in a slot in the bearing member, the wick being shown in phantom; FIG. Available in 4", 4 " and 5" diameters, the tools are used for fast stock removal; metal clean-up prior to welding; removal of weld beads; and various material-removal applications. Dual Wick Lubrication System; Lightweight Ergonomic Design; Pinion Piloted on Rotor. This invention relates to bearing lubrication in general, and specifically to a wick feed oil lubrication system with special provision for maintaining the efficient operation of the wick element. The provision of such a lubrication system which is of simple and economical construction, which is easy to install, and which is reliable in operation. 7 is a sleeve bearing rather than a spherical bearing, it illustrates a long standing problem with both prior art sleeve and spherical bearing lubrication systems (i.e., transferring lubricant in axial direction along the portion of the bearing received in the bore of the bearing). Reference may be made to U.S. Pat. Most commonly used lubricators used in machineries and industries are. Designed to lubricate individual machines or complete plants, automatic lubrication systems provide proper, precise lubricant replenishment to all required points, enabling a range of benefits in the process. ;ASSIGNOR:BURTON, STEPHEN J.;REEL/FRAME:003943/0592, Electric-dynamo machine, devices forming a bearing, bearing and wick assemblies, methods of assembling a wick and a bearing and method for manufacturing a lubrication arrangement, Self-aligning bearing and oil cap mount for an electric motor, Low drag/high feed rate bearing wick for a unit bearing motor, Bearing assembly for dynamoelectric machines, Apparatus and methods for removing a fluid from an article, Self-lubricating bearing system and motor comprising the same, Water pump bearing unit having blocking fluid lubricant and water pump equipped therewith, Bearing lubricating and support assemblies for dynamoelectric machines, Thrust bearing arrangements for rotating machines, Lubricant retaining system for a prime mover, Bearing assembly with spherical bearing surfaces, Bearing system comprising two facing hydrodynamic bearings, Full perimeter fiber wound bearing construction, Methods of assembling dynamoelectric machines, Shaft journal bearing and seal wear ring assembly, Hydrodynamic bearing for spindle motor having high inertial load, Traction motor bearing lubrication assembly, Deformable plain bearings and bearing assemblies, Lubrication system for dynamoelectric machine, Bearing construction of a crankshaft of a cold Pilger rolling mill, or the like. Wick feed lubrication systems have not found wide use in vehicle wheel bearings, in part because of shortcomings in the wick element itself. GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION, A CORP. OF DE, MICHIGA, Free format text: EMERSON ELECTRIC CO., 8100 WEST FLORISSANT AVE., S, Free format text: a compression spring closely surrounding said wick element center section and biased against said wick element enlarged ends, thereby maintaining said wick element substantially straight and continually biased snugly between said inner race and reservoir bottom wall without interference from said wick passage. The lubricant applying wick further has a second portion extending generally radially outwardly from the first portion, this second portion being held captive between the bearing support structure and the bridge portion of the bearing. Medium hard felt wick has density from 0.26 grams/cm3 to 0.32 grams/cm3 and hard grade refers to 0.36 grams/cm3 and above . Dual wick lubrication system saturated with gear oil for extended gear life over 700 hours. As shown in FIG. Referring next to FIGS. Conventional lubrication methods. 276. 6-29), oil is splashed up from the oil pan or oil trays in the lower part of the crankcase. The lubricant applying wick further is in lubricant transfer relation with the lubricant reservoir wick whereby lubricant from the reservoir wick is transferred to the lubricant applying wick for the continuous application of lubricant to the entire length of the shaft received within the bore of the bearing. The forced, the gravity and the wick feeds are more economical. 4 is an enlarged cross sectional view taken along line 4--4 of FIG. 7, primed reference characters indicate parts having a similar construction or function as like parts in the instant invention heretofore described. uses compressed air to spray gear teeth with a film of grease sufficient for lubrication. Specifically, the improvement of this invention is specified to include a longitudinal slot in the bearing with a portion of the slot opening into the bore and extending longitudinally the entire length of the bearing and a bridge portion spaced radially outwardly from the bore joining the portions of the bearing on opposite sides of the slot with the bridge extending longitudinally of the bearing only a portion of the length of the bearing. Referring first to FIGS. Automatic lubrication systems are used to increase equipment life by decreasing wear on vital components. 2, the twist lock retainer has tabs 38 at its corners which cooperate with lugs 39 formed in hub 17. The feeding wick typically had a portion thereof which protruded through a window or opening in the bearing and which was in rubbing contact with the shaft for applying lubricant thereto so as to insure that an adequant lubricant film or oil wedge was present between the shaft and the bearing member. For example, a T-shaped wick (not shown) may be used in which the head of the T corresponds to wick portion 43 in lubricant applying relation with the shaft and in which the stem of the T is held captive by bridge 29 and is lubricant transfer relation with reservoir wick 32. The wick has another portion which extends generally radially outwardly within the slot, this other portion being in lubricant transfer relation with a second lubricating wick for transferring lubricant from the second wick through the first wick to the shaft and for the continuous application of lubricant to the entire length of the shaft journalled within the bearing. 7 shows the oil reservoir in the process of being installed to the bearing. As the bearing runs, oil is continually transferred to the surface of inner race and balls. 3. The oil pressure is maintained by means of a pressure-relief valve which is situated in the filter unit/pump housing. . Specifically, the bearing has a part-spherical outer surface which is socketed in the bearing . Check that the sump tanks are ready for operation. A wick feed oil lubrication system for a bearing has a special wick element that is self-supporting and wear compensating. 2 is a left end view of the electric motor shown in FIG. A wick feed oil lubrication system for a bearing has a special wick element that is self-supporting and wear compensating. Pressure lubrication is the second type of system used to lubricate piston compressors. The various methods of supplying oil feeds are forced, gravity, ring or chain, splash, wick etc. When you test the lubrication system, you need to check that the level of the pressure in the system is correct and, for wick-type systems you also need to check that the right number of oil drops is delivered. Country of Origin USA (subject to change) Product Description. Tool Weight 1.7 lb. Functions of Engine Lubricating System. Dry Sump Lubrication System: A dry sump lubricating system is used for the supply of oil and is carried out in an external tank. 3 /sec and should be reserved for low speeds and light duty. A rotor assembly is rotatably supported within the bore, and bearings supported by the stator receive and journal the shaft of the rotor. Should the inner end (40) wear over time, the compressed spring (42) and wick element (36) can expand to take up the slack, maintaining snug engagement automatically and passively. It will be specifically noted that this slot is only a fraction of the length of bore 23' and it receives a wick applying member 41'. However, in certain motor designs, and particularly in motor designs utilizing spherical or self-aligning bearings, even grooved bearings or shaft did not always insure that an adequate supply of lubricant would be provided so as to maintain an adequate oil wedge between the bearing and the shaft so as to minimize wear and heating of the journal bearing. Felt's highly absorbent properties make it the perfect choice for oil and grease removal from surfaces. Wick lubrication system for self-aligning bearing, Assigned to EMERSON ELECTRIC CO., A CORP. OF MO, GENERATION; CONVERSION OR DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRIC POWER, Casings or enclosures characterised by the shape, form or construction thereof, Means for supporting bearings, e.g. In the engine, dippers on the connecting-rod bearing caps enter . Wick (cotton or wool s) carries oil from the well to the shaft sleeve. 7 is a view similar to FIG. Lubrication Systems. Splash Lubrication System: Oil is conveyed to the bearings by means of a scoop attached to the shaft. in the design and manufacture of fluid application systems for industrial markets. Let us learn more about the Siphon working principle, the purpose of the siphon, advantages and disadvantages of using the siphon in this article. As shown in FIG. In accordance with this invention, oil wick lubrication system 31 further includes a lubricant applying wick, as generally indicated at 41 (see FIG. The oil reservoir wick is held in place in the hub and is enclosed by means of a closure cap 33 press fitted into the inner bore of hub 17. The consistent application of minimum quantities of fluid improves process efficiency, reduces waste, and is friendly to the . Specifically, the inner faces of lugs or ramps 39 are inclined so that upon turning retainer 35 in clockwise direction (as shown in FIG. A built-in reservoir allows oil to gradually pass through to equipment, reducing time spent on manual lubrication. The grinder is designed for use with Type 27 . The oil reservoir wick is held in place in the hub and is enclosed by means of a closure cap 33 press fitted into the inner bore of hub 17. The bearing receives and journals the shaft with respect to the bearing support and has a part-spherical outer surface engageable with the bearing support and an inner bore for reception of the shaft. Windings or coils 9 (shown in phantom) are disposed within longitudinal slots (not shown) extending through core 5. 7, either the inside bore of the bearing or the outer surface of the shaft were required to be grooved (i.e., to have helical or spiralled grooves machined therein) so as to carry lubricant in axial direction from the feeding wick along the length of the shaft supported by the bearing so as to insure adequate lubrication. When installed, the wick element and supporting spring are compressed between the bearing spindle and bottom wall of the oil reservoir, running through a loosely fitting passage in the surrounding hub. Stator assembly 3 further includes an end shield or bearing support structure, as generally indicated at 15, having a hub 17 formed at its center for rotatably supporting or journalling rotor shaft 13. Lubrication systems distribute the lubricant to the moving machine parts in contact. insulating supports or means for fitting bearings in the bearing-shields using sliding-contact or spherical cap bearings radially supporting the rotary shaft at both ends of the rotor. 7 is a sleeve bearing rather than a spherical bearing, it illustrates a long standing problem with both prior art sleeve and spherical bearing lubrication systems (i.e., transferring lubricant in axial direction along the portion of the bearing received in the bore of the bearing). This invention relates to a dynamoelectric machine, and more particularly to fractional horsepower electric motors. Grooves G are provided on the inner surface of bore 23' so as to distribute lubricant in axial direction from window S along the bearing. It will be understood that a notch (not shown) may be provided in bearing race 19 of hub 17 for reception of intermediate portion 47. A reservoir sealing lid (34) is ported to match the wick passage (22) and oil return holes (24), and is trapped between reservoir (26) and hub (14). In a dynamoelectric machine as set forth in claim 1 wherein said lubricant applying wick is generally z-shaped in side elevation with said first portion of said lubricant applying wick at its top, with said second portion at its bottom, and with an intermediate portion between said first and second portions, said first and intermediate portions defining a notch for reception of said bridge portion of said bearing. Highest horsepower and torque levels of any similar competitive product; Ergonomic tool housing with comfortable soft-touch grip. 4 is an enlarged cross sectional view taken along line 4--4 of FIG. In such systems, oil acts both as lubricant and also as coolant by earning away heat generated in the bearings/moving parts. Another type of lubrication system is the splash lubrication system. Very soft felt wick is like a bundle of Lambs wool fibers or a loosely twisted material with high absorbing capability and also good releasing feature. Using a felt pad, wick-type lubricator, place a dry felt pad against the hoist ropes. Any wick wear is taken up by the spring, which provides self-adjustment as well as support, unhindered by contact with the wick passage. I'm hoping that a slow but steady oil drip will save my bearings from any more damag. Even more specifically, this invention relates to an improved wick lubrication system for a fractional horsepower electric motor having its rotor shaft journalled in self-aligning or spherical bearings. Referring now to FIG. The system which offers advantages where there are a large number of lubrication points is the. Engine influence the efficiency of the choice of the lubricant. 2. Country of Origin USA (subject to change) Product Description. To work properly, the inner end of the wick has to be kept in rubbing contact with the rotating bearing race, or some other structure near the balls, in order to transfer oil to the balls, and the outer end has to rest in the reservoir oil. Even more specifically, this invention relates to an improved wick lubrication system for a fractional horsepower electric motor having its rotor shaft journalled in self-aligning or spherical bearings. Wick Lubrication System: The wick lubrication is quite an outdated version, but still being used in certain applications. . Step 3: Locate Lubrication Ports. Circulating systems . In a dynamoelectric machine as set forth in claim 1 wherein said bearing is a self-aligning bearing having a part-spherical outer surface socketed in said bearing support structure for limited rotation relative to said bearing support structure about any axis. 5. The core has a bore 6 extending longitudinally therethrough. Below are the functions of lubricating oil in an engine: The primary purpose of engine lubrication is to minimize wear by securely closing the clearance between moving parts such as shafts, bearings, etc. The oil after lubrication is returned to reservoir either directly or through filters. As is best shown in FIGS. 2 is a sectional view taken along the line 2--2 of FIG. 6 is a side elevational view of the lubricant applying wick; and. 1. Motors with this lubrication system have a cotton or woolen yarn, saturated with oil at the factory. Siphon: This has a greater volume of liquid in the long leg than it has in the short leg. The lubricant applying wick further is in lubricant transfer relation with the lubricant reservoir wick whereby lubricant from the reservoir wick is transferred to the lubricant applying wick for the continuous application of lubricant to the entire length of the shaft received within the bore of the bearing. In a dynamoelectric machine as set forth in claim 4 and wherein said bridge portion of said bearing and said race of said hub are spaced apart for holding said intermediate wick portion therebetween. 1. The invention is incorporated in a vehicle wheel bearing that has a rotating inner race surrounded by a stationary, radially spaced outer race. Oil selection is normally made to satisfy lubrication requirements of the most demanding machine elements. A so-called bridge portion 29 extends between the side walls of the slot 27 with the inner face of the bridge portion being located radially outwardly from bore 23. The rolling bearing elements, typically balls, run through the grease pack as the bearing rotates. . Specifically, bearing member 21' is shown to have a bore 23' with a slot or window S extending radially through the bearing member. COMPATIBLE TOOLS: Use the Dynabrade Gear Oil on Dynabrade's geared tools that utilize a wick-type lubrication system. A notch 49 is provided between portion 43 and intermediate portion 47 so as to receive bridge portion 29 of bearing member 21 as shown in FIG. 5. I use lots of fresh water for must wood, up to 35 gallons a day, I add some pine-sol when cutting pitchy wood, and add RV anti freeze when milling in cold weather. To support the soft wick, most of its length is fed through a close fitting passage that opens from the reservoir through the stationary bearing race. by wicks, GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION, A CORP. OF DE, MICHIGA, ASSIGNMENT OF ASSIGNORS INTEREST. Check the pressure level in a lubrication system: Step 1. Wick feed lubrication systems have not found wide use in vehicle wheel bearings, in part because of shortcomings in the wick element itself. 5), as indicated by dimension L. In FIG. 7 is a view similar to FIG. 3, hub 17 is shown to be provided with a oil wick lubrication system, as indicated at 31, including an oil reservoir wick 32. Increased machine reliability. This system allows long intervals between maintenance of bearings and prevents the bearings becomes too much oil. A fractional horsepower motor includes a stator having a similar construction or function as like parts in.... 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