I was going to fill it out and check "race: other, American" but now I just don't even want to fill the dang thing out. I sent an e-mail to headquarters. My husband and I now know what we will do when a rep shows up at our door. They are not better people, more deserving, more intelligent, more experienced they didn't know "how" things were going to work out they just knew they would. How do we know who these people actually are? I am appalled at this whole thing and believe me when that survey taker arrives at my door again, she is going to get an ear full. I propose: 1) Grabbing your video recorder and recording the entire exchange. The census asks for the number of people who "stayed at your house on April 1, 2010." Back in 2003 or so we also received a very long census questionnaire, with information I did not want to publish. Once on Saturday, once on Wednesday, three times yesterday, and so far once today. Ideally, you want to let them know what type of action you'll be taking, or how their opinions made a difference, with a follow-up email or a community briefing. Well, I wonder what he's thinking now. When someone asks my wages, my mortgage information, and what time and where I work, I see this as "seizing personal information." Last night (Monday) he showed up at 7:30. So many people are in a snit just because the word "enumerator" makes them mad. Help people, can I really get fined if I don't fill this crap out? This is especially true if you have already returned your regular census form. Direct taxes are inherently unfair because one state, with ten percent of the population, might be one of the richest states while another state, with the same percentage of the population, might be one of the poorest. So before you go crying about your rights being violated, try actually reading the document that has given you these rights. I am getting bothered by the census people now and what really annoys me to death is that I look all over the place and see all these people with basement apartments making tons of money off the books. Any opt-out mechanism you offer must be able to process opt-out requests for at least 30 days after you send your message. We collect information from a smaller group to produce estimates for the entire population. Neither one of us filled it out, nor mailed it in. The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct., The power to make laws concerning the Census is restricted to the actual enumeration.. When I got to the financial questions I thought - what?? Wow! I hung up. Of course, I had no clothes on, not expecting a peeping tom to be looking out of the woods in the first place. I ripped it up and threw it away. (The car had to pass my house to get to the neighbors.) Documents received by the couple from the bureau also tell the couple that they are legally obligated to. The ability of our federal government to properly train temporary, and permanent, employees in PII and cyber security are not well represented in recent historical accounts. I've received two of these obscene forms and I do not to answer any of the questions printed thereon. Is that something you would want to get into the wrong hands? In three weeks they should mail me a duplicate form. I told her not to come back or I would spray her with my garden hose. As one responder put it, if you only want to know the number of people, then what does race have to do with it? I don't know why someone said the country is going too far to left. I didnt think so. Quite honestly, you are not that important. If you got grilled before then they are trying to find out the change in your situation over time. The last thing the execs at the Census Bureau want to see is a video of one of their "enumerators" on YouTube, the Six O'clock News, or in Congress or a courtroom harassing and threatening a citizen/voter with a big fine or jail time if that person refuses to give out the personal details of his life to a perfect stranger. The small, everyday, humdrum, quietly approved bills they do each day are where the danger lies and more attention should be paid to those. Some surveys such as theHousehold Pulse Survey may contact you via text message. Any links included in a Census Bureau email will direct you to an official federal government website ending in .gov. Census worker says "I am with the census.". ACS was conducted vigorously and continuously during the presidency of George W. Bush. I have no problem filling out the main census form but not this BS. I may not bother with this anyway. However, the ACS wants to know what time my husband and I leave for work each day, our employer's address, our work location address (if different from our employer's) and if we commute via car, carpool or public transportation. Census employees never ask for social security numbers or full financial disclosure. They wanted to know how much we made, where we made it (we're self employed)but the scary part was that they ALREADY KNEW WHAT WE HAD MADE. Pew Research Center has deep roots in U.S. public opinion research. Launched initially as a project focused primarily on U.S. policy and politics in the early 1990s, the Center has grown over time to study a wide range of topics vital to explaining America to itself and to the world.Our hallmarks: a rigorous approach to methodological quality, complete transparency as to our methods, and a . I made the mistake of putting my phone number on the form. It doesn't do any good to argue with the census taker. A location-based community survey is restricted to a particular geographical location like a neighborhood or a single zip code. If they are unable to reach you, they may leave a message with a case ID associated with your survey. How can I verify that a mailing is legitimate and from the US Census Bureau? I told him "We're done here". That hesitancy can be surprisingly stubborn to overcome. You wouldn't be getting personal visits and/or phone calls from these Census workers right now. Yeah right! These people are trying to "do their jobs", but there are better ways to make a living, one that doesn't help enslave Americans even further with more "government help" and ultimately, taxation. I work for one of the phone centers for the Census Bureau. A lock ( Just throw the census form in the trash. What we have here is a violation of HIPAA. First I didn't send the form back "as soon as possible". I will pay the fine if that is what it takes. By the way, the is a new grassroots site that is just starting called Town Roots. I am standing firm this time. I'm glad they didn't refuse to answer such personal questions as name and age. The Census Bureau has several policies to ensure the data we collect is protected and your privacy is respected. Smile. This country will see a revolution of the people one day, hopefully sooner than later. You can find no instance of someone being 'required' to respond, or being fined for not doing so. No one from the Census has been escorted off your property by the police - Title 13 gives them the right to be on your property. I will sleep well tonight. how Fourth amendment. She offered me her badge and supervisors number. Person 22. Since the Constitution established a federal government of limited enumerated powers and that document does not grant them the general power to request the information, I am under no constitutional obligation to provide it, and therefore refuse to answer the ACS. I was just contacted by a representative for the Census Bureau at my home and asked to answer his questions. Your response to the 2020 Census cannot replace your answers to these other surveys. Helping this corrupt government "function" is the same thing as helping this corrupt government go kill more people, invade our privacy, tax our income, levy fines, issue permissions slips and tattoo our butts. So they bully and threaten and use fear to scare people into compliance. First of all, get a clue! I will not comply. me. They only get idle threats. Anytime you give out information, you can bet it gets compromised. The field representative will present an ID badge that includes: They will have an official bag and Census Bureau-issued electronic device, such as a laptop or smartphone, bearing the Census Bureau logo. We have 273 people living in this house with no plumbing, I go to work at 2 a.m. and get home at 2:30. I also feel for the ones who fought and died for us, who spit in their graves. We already did our duty and answered the regular census. When she called tonight at my employer, I told her I was moving. The Supreme Court upheld that against Bill Clinton's attempt to implement statistical sampling for the 2000 census. I vote, and if the politicians do not honor their promises when they get into office, I'm sure Uncle Sam couldn't care less about what my area needs either. I won't either. i love my country and its freedom and its up to us to keep the communism out!! Don't fill it out. As a note, we live in a small, rural town so that may make a difference in whether it's worth the effort for them to continue demanding the information. They don't want the constituents who elected them to be harassed. So go ahead and fill it out 235. The whole purpose of the census getting shortened was to entice people to fill it out, not this 20-page crap. It is a survey that invades privacy by asking about the presence of flush toilets, the amount of income that you earn, whether there isa business in your home, how much you spend on utilities, where you work, what time you leave for work, how you get to work, how long it takes you to . However, the severity of the challenge varies by state and community. Please meet, call write your congressperson to recommend that they sign on to this legislation, and get rid of this ridiculous intrusion of government into your private and personal affairs. give me liberty, or give you death as the old saying goes! I live in a high-rise condo building (where I rent), so let them come get me. I don't bother to answer my phone unless I know who it is. They left before they arrived. When we do the ACS on the phone, we do not ask for your SS #, we do not ask how many times you go to the bathroom. welfare etc. Just remember that most of these people are decent people who need money to eat just like the rest of us, especially in these hard times. It is SBO-1 (Survey for Business Owner and Self Employed) and states that it is mandatory per Title 13 USC. They are the ones making the money tax free - not me. In addition to conducting the decennial census count, the Census Bureau conducts various surveys that study households, businesses, schools, hospitals, and more. Alternatively, those who returned the survey partially completed and communicated with the Census Bureau agents generally received more contacts. This survey is not some spur of the moment mandate by the current administration. The American Community Survey is an offshoot of the census, but the ACS is done every year. Keep being sheep. Baltimore Community to your survey low to moderate-income taxpayers by taking surveys, you can quick! I am a prisoner in my own home. We offer tips to help you protect your information. I will not yield. Years ago someone told me that the information can be used in a book (that may or may not be in your library) that is published showing where you work, how long you lived at your residence, etc. Information from the survey generates data that help determine how more than $400 billion in federal and state funds are distributed each year. This is to help the community -- like heck. The 2022 Economic Census is happening now. The rule embodies two principles - notice and opt out. While talking to the ACS lady on the phone I found out they didn't have a complete address and had sent me a form. LOL. Yet, he also said that the American Community Survey is continuing. And if there isn't a law protecting these rights, then we need someone to make it happen! How many, each age, and each sex. If I receive the same treatment again, I may consider filing a class action lawsuit. Uncle Sam gets my money but what happens in my home stays in my home. "Isn't that enough?" One dear government lady actually said she did not have time for prank phone calls. I love hearing this we live in the greatest country. I have written both my senators, Warner and Webb of Virginia, and stated my refusal to comply with the ACS. I emailed my Congressman (John Larson, CT) twice, over a month ago, but he (and/or his staff) has failed to reply by e-mail or phone. The U.S. Census Bureau randomly selected your household or business through a process of scientific sampling. I asked who he was and he attempted to open the screen door. If there was no response by the time we finished our list, we were to call again. I left the notice stuck to the door. To opt out permanently: Go to optoutprescreen.com or call 1-888-5-OPT-OUT (1-888-567-8688) to start the process. I let her know that I understood their game and wasn't going to play, and she said she would record me as a refusal. D. oes anyone understand what is involved in managing 300 million people spread out over an entire continent, each thinking all that matters is their individual needs? I am not giving my personal information out to anyone authorized by this government. So glad I came across this website while researching whether or not I had to respond to this stupid ACS I just got in the mail. Waiting for their next move. I've since received a second one, and had one call this week(which I did not answer). What do you really think they use the information for? And you just know that if I answer a survey about college, they will just send me another next year and keep tracking me. The answers you provide are used to create statistics about the people, places, and economy of the United States. Ethical treatment of survey participants. Sad, but I simply do not trust the government anymore. They DO go away. Now who you work for, when you go to work, how much you make; is all stored in a government database. Your response to the 2020 Census cannot replace your answers to these other surveys. No one from the Census has ever asked for your social security number - perhaps someone *posing* as a Census Field Rep. did, but not an employee of the Census. She said they don't do that. Nevertheless, fines and legal action are technically possible. Ignore any paperwork they send you, hang up if they call you, demand they leave your property if they come to your home. Whats next from our GOVERNMENT; the police saying your papers please? The Nazis were just doing their jobs, also, "anon75478" but that doesn't make it right. we need to stop fighting and come together, reminiscent of the black panthers and Raymond Washington. what is this country coming to? You want me to put the popcorn in the freezer?" I needed to read this! I told the lady that I regarded the ACS as some kind of personal info fishing scam by criminals masquerading as the federal government and again stated that I had more than Constitutionally complied with the short form questions. For years I've been very concerned about the direction that our country has been taking. Whats the names and ages of all the female members of your household? I filled out my census. Firm, clear refusal. I feel kind of sick too. in the '90s the Commerce Dept decided that I was a resort or apartment complex owner and harassed me to fill out a survey detailing my expenditures on repairs, income reports etc. "the point that seems most lost here is that households chosen for ACS are just part of a statistical sample that is representative of the country as a whole". I am one who is living this nightmare: the letters, the phone calls, the personal visits, day in and day out, month after month. I think someone should have a web cam ready when they come to the door. I already returned that info in the original census last year. (I was astonished to note that apparently only about 12,000 households have resisted so far.) My husband sent him away as we were eating. However, we will make it quite clear we will accept the risk and continue to take this stand. I live in the ghetto already. Seriously, do I really have to answer and return the american community survey? Section 221. I completed the survey. Maybe that is why only one out of every 480 people receive it. We've had non-stop, unannounced visits by the same census taker, who continues to drive-by the home multiple times during the day. During the past year and especially with the current administration in D.C., I am so angry and distrustful of our government. A locked padlock I guess I now have a 20 percent chance of getting a Census visitor next. If at some point they insist you are declining, plead the Fifth Amendment. I've been through one round of the no-response ordeal back in '08 and everything turned out just fine. Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP). A tactic that is used too frequently in our society as a means of control. @CalminHeart wrote: Here's what it says online: The American Community Survey is a legitimate survey conducted by the CensusBureau. Mykel. The Economic Census occurs every five years and collects extensive statistics of U.S. businesses and their economic impact. The ACS is better than a surveillance on the American family. All this and I live on an Army installation! The Census Bureau would have to refer a case to the Dept of Justice, they have no power of their own. Hence, you have answered the only question required by the constitution and you might have even increased the possibility for more representatives! No need to respond to the intrusive survey. The Census Bureau can't issue a fine, they have to refer the case to the Dept. I left all of the other personal and private questions in the survey unanswered. I clearly refused the first polite guy who called and then more firmly refused the stern woman who called next. i have nothing to hide but i shouldn't be forced to tell anyone anything and that's what makes me mad!!! A month later I received the ACS questionnaire, and coincidentally(? Yeah, I've got concerns, and no, I'm not going to answer their questions. I didn't argue or discuss it, just stated the truth and hung up immediately. The Census Bureau takes measures to reduce the number of surveys you may be selected to participate in, but it is still possible that you could be selected for more than one. I suspect the caller will hang up and take you off the list. Americans must answer U.S. Census Bureau survey by law, though agency hasn't prosecuted since 1970 Bob Cole, who hosts Austin radio station KOKE-FM's weekday morning show, said on the air Jan. 7,. I am literally getting up to six phone calls a day, mass mailings, and mass e-mails. Me and my family were properly counted on census day 2010. Good luck everyone! I set it aside. From reading here, it looks like disclosing phone numbers is just an additional way of eventually breaking you down. This is way too intrusive. Although I suspect it's really only one or two of you. Browse our topics and subtopics to find information and data. anon77096: Why would anybody want federal funding for anything? Would you believe they just called again? My paper shredder has been complaining of hunger, so I'm going to feed the "survey" to it when I receive it in the mail next week. And I am not speaking in terms of Democrat or Republican affiliation the drug of power knows no party boundaries. Yet, it seems lately that these rights are being taken from the American people. The IRS has all my income info, and frankly, it'd take me hours to look up all the financial info they want (monthly mortgage, gas, electric, utility bills.) Which survey is this? so the census workers who say, "if you haven't done anything wrong, just answer," well, people who are doing wrong things don't care about america -- they work for the government. What time did this person usually leave home to go to work last week? My first question is: which section authorizes ACS? I would like to recommend an alternative method of dealing with "census workers" who show up at your door to harass you for information. I have written to the senators of my state and didn't even receive a 'canned' response. He had to come through a closed gate. anon82113: umm, I worked for the census too. The Household Pulse Survey uses the number 39242 (message and data rates may apply*) to send a link to complete the survey online. I guarantee it will be a short and polite conversation and the last time they ever bother you! Someone brought up a good point, either here or on another forum. Tuition and fees plus room and board for a four-year private college averaged $50,770 in the 2020-21 school year; at four-year, in-state public colleges, it was $22,180, according to the College . Washington and California residents have filed a proposed class action in which they object to being asked to participate in the American Community Survey, which enquires about certain demographic details more specific than those central to the decennial Census. Standing up for my rights in L.A. Why not just give em complete BS answers. Fix this problem, fix that, insure this, promise that, but do it without any info, just throw a dart and hope for the best, then when it fails we'll have someone to blame it on, but it won't be our fault! Please, that's where this money is going in there pockets. My 89 year old mother was scared out of her wits after answering some questions, thinking she gave too much information and didn't even know who they were. Say no to everything. About one week later, I was ready to mail in my form. How can I verify that an email or text message from the Census Bureau is legitimate? This city hasn't had its streets fixed in years and we always fill out the census. This is a bunch of crap. The Census Bureau states on their website that failure to complete the survey is unlikely to result in such a fine, however. The only one who seemed to do anything on it was Freedom Watch Judge Napolitano. It's not their business. No reason to be rude to someone doing their job. It feels good to see so many of you willing to take a stand against this invasion of privacy. With identity theft on the rise, many are concerned. It then adds insult and temerity by threatening me for noncompliance? Amazing. Now I wish I hadn't answered her on the phone. Most U.S. representatives have local offices. This is Big Brother keeping an eye on the revolution. The ACS replaced the old census long form and the questions have absolutely nothing to with apportioning direct taxes or determining the number of representatives in the House of Representatives. Everyone tells me to throw it in the trash! These statistics deliver valuable information for local officials and organizations who provide resources and services to your community. I'm so glad I'm not alone. Since direct taxes must be apportioned based on population, an enumeration is needed to determine the percentage of tax for each state. She said she must have my name, home address which I gave. Cowards! The Census Bureau may follow up with you about your participation in a survey. The chamber even voted in 2012 to eliminate the survey altogether! Just sit there and think a minute on what we have in this country and you should feel very ashamed for getting so upset about such petty things. 1. Has anyone really admittedly shown that proof that they got fined? To those who say they can't publish anything like that, I have seen it. This survey obviously goes far beyond the constitutional mandate of a decennial census, both in the frequency of its administration and the scope of questions asked. What? You also will be asked these questions about everyone in your household 15 years and older. Is the enemy offshore or some creep in a bloated Federal Dept we don't even need? It gives a little glimmer of hope for this country. Thesis: It is best to be professional and courteous when speaking in person and on the phone to the ACS representatives. Some hypothesize that the Census Bureau will not take legal action against, or pursue fines for, noncompliance with the ACS because doing so would likely attract much negative media attention. And, if the above comments stated that he can find all the info on the internet, then by all means find it, and leave me alone. The old surveys don't ask for much more than that (other than birthplace). I ignored all of this due to what I had been through. Don't engage them in conversation or reason with them. I am so glad I found this website. What an imposing questionnaire! Mine went in the shredder, and I ignored the phone calls. Non parlo inglese!" And so is mine. Thank you for your interest in the age, racial composition, daily habits, and private information regarding the private lives and private property of the members of my household. 4) If they do not agree to answer any personal questions, assume the Hannibal Lecter voice and say "Tut, tut, tut. The Census Bureau will never ask for your full Social Security number, bank account number, or passwords. 7) Get the left wing indoctrination crew out of our education systems. Then two weeks later a reminder to fill it out. Fine. 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