losing isaiah i threw him away monologue

And because NASA doesnt believe me, or they think I ate too many Mars bars and am lacking oxygen, theyve dismissed it. While the monologues in this collection are FREE, they are copyright protected. Romeo thinks his love Juliet is dead. Please staunch your profuse bleeding and proceed directly there. This isnt real- no this cant be real. Its being drowned in a bathtub because Pedro was asked to give me a bath instead of playing soccer with his buddies down the street. Just promise you wont make fun of me. Oh, is that a piece of PB&J he just threw on the floor? (pause) Alright, well, Ill give you the backstory. Can you imagine walking into the kitchen to see an army of little crustaceans manning the grill? OFF. Or would you go forward and take the unknown future and be whisked away to a place where everything could be totally new like a fresh start? No wonder he left me. George Im so sorry about her. I was at the zoo and a monkey pooped on my head. I had been placed in all the advanced classes too. She saw how angry I was and started in with this ridiculous story about being mugged on the way to work, I mean that happens all the time in New York, but it doesnt mean you have to be late! I opened my eyes, only for the saltwater to flood them. Do you not catch the tiny clamour, Busy click of an elfin hammer, Voice of the Lepracaun singing shrill As he merrily plies his trade.. Frankly, I dont know how YOU arent scared of the ocean. Also, she doesnt have any big dogs in the house, or any other risk factors that could result in injury. Directed by Stephen Gyllenhaal, "Losing Isaiah" stars Halle Berry as Khalia Richards, a drug addicted African American who abandons Isaiah, her newborn baby. Isaiah Washington, who played Dr. Preston Burke on the hit medical drama, "was not asked to return" (read: fired) after using a homophobic slur in reference to co-star T.R. NO! Evening, the light is fading. Margaret's heart goes out to the baby, who, along with illnesses brought about by neglect, suffers from emotional and educational problems often associated with children whose mothers used cocaine during pregnancy. Teachers like to read stuff like that, right? Second Place Winner! And Im doing it today not tomorrow. She keeps a fire extinguisher in the kitchen and everything. Its time to grow up and live a life we dreamed about. Not a single word! She's not rich and she doesn't live in . There! Drama Notebook holds a Monologue Contest every month for students ages 6-18. I remember waking up surrounded by paramedics and police. Oh well, I hope Mrs. Smith recovers. (The lights come back on!) Dont blink. The white clock on the wall is mocking me. I was on holiday with my family. When Isaiah was born she was illiterate, unemployed, and a crack addict. Everyone holds me up to her standards. I tried to wash off as much as I could in the bathroom, but its still there, as you can see. Opening night would be a flop, and we both know that would be embarrassing for you. He laughed and said he wouldnt believe it unless I made the worlds biggest loaf. The two mothers embrace each other, both proclaiming their equally strong motherly love for Isaiah. As I defend my stars and fight for all that is good in the universe, my opponent withers and shrinks, folding in on itself. I mean I see her do something with her teeth, it must be similar right? Hed listen to disco and eat his maple ham sandwiches with the teacher, which made me sad. I dont look like everyone else, and I dont know how to fix it. (beat) No, I dont think Im overreacting. Starts again in announcer voice.) You dont care, not enough to be sorry. Something to do with well, never mind. Genre: Dramatic. You and I both know Im going to be responsible for this child I didnt even ask for. By: Mikala Southern, Georgia, USA, Age 12 Description: A student tells a story about how a daredevil stunt helped him become the coolest kid in school. One things for sure. That was ten years ago, and I still cant accept anyones apology. Like the meeting when humans were created. I just want to be a normal kid. It was the best Thanksgiving yet, Grammy. Ok. Ill hire a sitter. Its true. I could tell him I was late for work. Yet she must die, else she'll betray more men. During this extremely moving scene, the audience is at Shelbys funeral. Well now you know. It is so annoying. (Pause.) (laughssees that she doesnt remember.) Wait, where are you going? Im taller than you, little hobbit. Shut Up Colin! But anyway, I didnt feel like talking to her, so I went up to my room to do homework. Stop being so selfish and appreciate what you have. Second Place Winner By: Abby S., Alberta, Canada, Age 14 Gender: Male or Female Genre: Comedic Description: 30-year-old Sam is sharing a eulogy for their cats funeral. In the middle of my inspirational speech. BUT IM TELLING YOU, I SAW THEM! What if you never feel happy or excited about anything? My mom told me it was the most beautiful speech shes ever heard. Gives you comfort, doesnt it? WITH THEIR MASSIVE HORNS! Santa never gave you any attention until last Christmas when he couldnt see any farther than he could spit. The film would have been so much better, expect the film didn't have an ending at all. He had such promise. I guess I will see you soon. It brings me back to when I lived in London, I suppose you can relate, cant you mate? And scene! He sat me down on the couch. Celtics guard Isaiah Thomas reacts after his performance in the Game 4 in against the Bulls on Sunday, April 23 . Youll be famous without any drawbacks! Cinemark You are a monster. I didnt go to Charleston Maxwell Private Academy to be disregarded! Taking pictures of me, invading my privacy. And now thats me. (Looks around, pause.) The day I found out he was going to die, I was unfazed. Hes always hiding in piles of things and jumping out at me! I hate my body. I wanted to stay in her safe little bubble forever. I am tired of being cooped up, but I cant help it. No wonder people dont use Exclamation Points very often. Can I tell you something? If you had listened during history class, instead of dozing off or chatting with your friends online, youd probably know how royalty in Ancient Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt considered themselves close to the gods. Trust me, Im not trying to convince you school is fun and all that other stuff, but that is no excuse to drop out. Will it ever stop? Why did you have to bring home pizza? Ill meet you at the movie theatre at 7. Who else is go oh, its just gonna be us? (yelling) Jackson! Um, could you all stop staring at me please? Ive dealt with that stuff on my own. How are we? The last thing I want to do is disappoint you. Gender: Female Genre: Comedic. Knight. Youre at a good part? The P stands for Penelope, it was my mothers name. Hes looking for something that doesnt taste like year-old toothpaste. Genre: Dramatic Its not a bad thing Mom! She knows that shrimp is the one thing Im scared of. What else was I supposed to do? I met someone. I shouldnt ask for more. When they found me, they arrested me! She will make it impossible to get anything done. I reached down to grip the source of the pain bloodI looked to my left, and the boy with blue eyes had let go of my hand, and was instead gripping his stomach, he was bleeding too, and he was pleading with the shooter begging for his life. But he said that if it broke down because it wasnt properly maintained, I would have to pay for it. My sister is a god too. HES A CAT!! He said he still loved me, he just didnt want to be tied down anymore and mom, I respect that and were still friends. well, its hard to describe, but Ill do my best. The inside of my mirror looked nothing like what I expected it to be. A chin-dimple I was insecure about when I was younger. See, Im not crazy. She plays the Rolling Stones a lot in the car and has to sing along with every word. Pristine, Miss. I hope I can give her strength when she needs it. By: Shelby Diner Description: A teenager tries to write a letter to their brother who is in the military Genre: Dramatic, (Jack is sitting at his desk in his room with a single piece of paper and a pencil on his desk.) They then continued and found an awesome hammock that one of the sisters wanted to take a nap on but her other sisters insisted that they keep moving. Theyre just impossible not to admire. Im almost always late to school because mom wakes up so late. You can go. They call me the monster, but monsters like me only look the part, and I prefer that to the false facades and double-edged words. (Anya turns to a random employee) HEY YOU, yeah you right there. What they do see is weird kid and obnoxious boy blowing gargantuan bubbles during class. We want to hear what you have to say but need to verify your email. You know, like those guys who used to have to break up rocks when they were sent to jail? The contract says $1 million for an iceberg from Antarctica. Ohis that the new neighbor from next door? My dad was a phony and a liar and I hated him. Third Place Winner! I totally ignored her. Seeing the waves reach all the way out from the deep to the shore, I couldnt help but think of what a perfect day it would be for surfing. Genre: Dramatic. Wait, she stopped on one. They told me to give you away, but I refused. I could never. Just six little seeds. Henry is the father of Terra, who has gone missing amid the riots. I met James in a grief support group. It was a normal day at the club, or what we call normal. Yeah, I understand its nice to finally laugh, not get called names, and to play in all the reindeer games with everyone else besides just me but cant you see theyre just using you? My family is pretty much done with me, but hey, Im alive. You can do this. Struggles and gets frustrated. Lucky my granny knitted me a warm jumper! Shifted his perspective, he said. But really, whats the point? No maam! One day they could want one thing, and the next day change their mind. What? They wanted to go to a treehouse they had seen a couple of miles away from their house. (In a very nerdy way) Statistics show that the easiest way to get someone to like you is to be popular. Best friend? First I tried to tell dad, but he was asleep. So now, with no shame and in full confidence, I can announce to the world: I am one of a kind. (Lies down on the floor.) He hated to write in English, so they were always in a different language. We would pray to YOU. By: Jefferson T., Cupertino, California, Age 16 Gender: Any Genre: Dramatic Description: A young man reminisces about his friend Sadako, and the thousand paper cranes she folded during the Atomic age. More like a person who was going to a costume party and couldnt decide between being a witch or an Indian Chief. Instead, it is to compliment and add my own translation of the scene. It looks like you could eat me and my grandma up. The brother who then moved out and we never heard from him again! Dont blink. Dolly Ransun is a 13-year-old girl who lives in Georgia with her mom. Can you- Could you repeat that slower, sir? He will fix us. but you never do. Tired of trying to get something that feels. Wait a sec. Second Place Winner! What do you mean he said, youre the light of his world? Sometimes I just wish for a normal life! By: Hedy Z., Texas, USA, Age 17 Description: A utensil in a kitchen drawer has an identity crisis. After I got out of there, it was back to stealing cars. Im not scared of them. (pause) Arrest me? Pero, I just cant get over him hes all I think about! Just listen. Young men, at the beginning, just gone. It was monstrous to simply wrench the 4 year old boy out of the only home he's ever known and plunk him down in a totally alien environment. Excuse me, yeah hi. Im not talking to her. (giggles) Youll have to tell me where you got your costume, so I can win next year. (Pause) I refuse because I cant make out what new places the eyes of others are staring at. When I tried to sneak into a group, Id get found out and separated pretty quickly. But I guess we cant go back in time, can we? Tiny icicles hanging from his eyebrows and beard. After a while, me and my stepdad started arguing. Honorary Mention By: Alexandria Davidson, Age 16 From: Ontario, Canada Description: This piece is based on my real life experience as I parted realms with my late father, Jeffrey Alexander Davidson. Theres no one to hold them back and tell them what not to do. Mama always said avoid the political talk. Alright. I mean who do you think you are? Welcome to my secret lair! Genre: Comedic-Dramatic. By: Alexis P., Age 11, Austin, TX, USA Description: A girl talks about her frightening experiences with her evil mirror reflection. I havent gone into the interview yet, you dont need to call me every two minutes! Today. By: Abbey Sourov, Age 14, Seattle, Washington, USA Description: Sixteen-year-old Bianca is grieving and frustrated. Never in my life have I deserved a whippin. But dont tell that to my Pa. Get your act together! Do you know how to reverse climate change? Hey Jason. The port is closed,too? Unlike you, I dont want to go to jail. By continuing, you agree to the Privacy Policy and I could smell the pizza in the air, and I couldnt help but smile when the Twins hit a bomb to center field earlier in the game. Its quite a momentous mountain. I didnt dare give up even a single ticket. It draws me toward it, sucking the light out of my soul. Oh, they always left with one of usbut never me. First Place Winner! (Gestures to entire body. If society keeps going on like this the teen world will be in shambles. That didnt work for you, did it? Now go to bed for real! I mean, what you dont know cant hurt you, right? Id toss and turn all night, afraid that one day it would take me! You hear so much about college all your life, so you feel like a failure if you dont go. Oh yes, my nose would finally be able to smell the sweet scent of roses. Mine do. Youre in the classroom and the one kid you absolutely detest, walks up to you and asks to borrow your pencil. The flags not a person. At first, its like heaven opened up and sent you this thing, this incredible, furry, loveable thing. Yeah, I understand that. Genre: Comedic. I wish that every girl like me could easily start to love themselves. The pitcher throws the ball. Bullies. Who was maybe a little too good at her job. For years just the thought of it gave me nightmares. Most people would love to be me. Hed come home from work late with an apology. Can I have a glass of water, or some fresh air? I know you said Nene neglected you, but she was a single mother with three girls, and she couldnt afford all the things you wanted. I can hardly believe it. Now, he only came to visit when he meant serious business. Speaking of Wicked, I am playing Glinda in our school version of the Broadway musical this spring. I love you too. But the little girl everyone used to laugh at, and praise is gone now. I ran and ran and this was the first house I found. Im ready. My apologies, young man, I didnt realize-wait, why are you even here if your leg is broken?! Not great. I know! I jumped back in shock and then I heard it. I really am innocent. You have your own problems. We have barely been here for a year and you wanna give up now? You tell me. I promise that my feelings wont be hurt if this doesnt work, but I have to try, okay? This tale of a custody fight between a child's birth mother " Halle Berry" and the family that adopted him " Jessica lange and David Strathair" is a clash of two rights, two goods, honorable people with competing yet compellingly valid attachments to one child played by Marc John Jeffries. Until you moved away, I knew I would have to take care of you alone. Every day you wake up and put on multiple outfits and hope one isnt too revealing or slutty or hope its not too boring or basic because the standards people set for you are either high or low and you have to meet the standard or you have to go above and beyond to prove that you are something. So, thats why Im late. This store is PCI Compliant, Please log in to begin your shopping experience. No, its not a tattoo, its a scar. I try not to think about it too much cause if I do, my head hurts, a lot. His name is Bagel, by the way. Terra, pregnant, and Alex, Terras boyfriend, were talking when Terra jumped into the lake and drowned. Anywho, being invisible actually benefited me. He also uses this to explain why he is used to filter out the weak from the flock. (Imitates in a deep voice) I am Officer Tuffin, you are under arrest. By: Kielle W., Age 16, Chesapeake, Virginia, USA Gender: Any Genre: Dramatic Description: A teen wishes to overcome his/her fears. Its all Greek to me! I know she saw the end coming, but she kept folding. The names Wolf, Trevor Wolf. Shes okay, and he didnt want to alarm us. "And no one lets him get away with anything. And one day, Ill have me a kid, and I will love him, and always treat him good. I was excited for that! Second Place Winner! Seriously, yours puts mine to shame. To look at my eyes and see your eyes. Yall get paid a pretty hefty salary considering you just sit down and listen to people go on, and on about their problems. We have been through thick and thin, (and angel hair) fighting our adversaries and overcoming hurdle after hurdle. The powers back! Which means that I will be slaving away filling up the yard debris bin and the recycling container and dragging all the bins to the curb. I stayed up all night reading classified documents. Im really fine. Everyone get out your pencils. Even when we fought it wasnt so bad, because we loved each other, and we couldnt stay mad for too long. Yeah, Ive got a story for ya. I WILL share my room, but most importantly, Ill give that kid the childhood I never got to have. I mean take me to dinner first. Or is it the blue one? Do you know how it feels to know that the people you love are suffering that internally theyre losing themselves? I know I was lucky to be born in this country. Third Place Winner! The doorbell never rang, and my app told me that it arrived. Instead of writing down the numbers, I downloaded multiple calorie counting apps and fasting apps. Soon enough, Alex confronted me in private tried to fight me. By: Emma Gordon, Age 12, New York, USA Description: A college student shares a lesson in empathy with her friend. To be honest, you guys are just reopening those wounds. It is not you he loves, but your dancing of his songs. Even if it's minimal.AND If you're a fellow thespian, I encourage you to do the same.Hope you enjoy my interpretation. I figured everything would be okay and I could find a cab to take me to my aunts but then I realized that I left my bag on the train which had my phone and all of the money that I could bring. So go ahead. We havent talked in a long while, and I thought about not sending this, but we swore to be friends for life, and I am keeping my promise. Why I became such a slack off. From there, its just me, the asphalt and the sky. You dont get to be sorry. But I should have. Sorry I knocked her over. What? And you cant melt becausebecause I need you. The movie also manages to enrage without even engaging the color issues. Fine she- (turns around and starts to talk to the friend but stops themselves and turns back around) Did you see that? Ive found that in the classes where I sit next to a friend, I do much better. I know it isnt worth this much energy and anxiety, but I cant stop. Its good she spent her time doing something she wanted to do, that is that. I dont regret my choices. This pandemic is crazy! Any time. Mysterious heart attack, you know? Once you select Rent you'll have 14 days to start watching the movie and 48 hours to finish it. For me its like something I want is sitting on a golden platter but I cant touch it. Had I known better, I would have done the same. Selma Richards is the boy's birth mother. In fact, I think we should see other people. Love is like that. Its always the same. He asked me to join his club which he called the Mystery Club, which had nothing to do with mysteries at all. Ricky was irksome, but, boy, did he love disco. I have a family to feed you know. Dear diary, A lot happened today, so get ready. What? The story is well executed and of course does not fail to raise emotion. It is way deep. Like, forever. )Do you hear that? Parenthesesstop whispering. Im not going one mile over the speed limit. So, from now on I will call you Courage. This last hypothesis is, in my opinion, the just one, but it should be applied in all cases, whatever the colour of the baby and whatever the colour of the family. Theyre a lot more boring than they sound. If this was a comic book, theyd put you in a filler issue, give you a mediocre backstory, and never talk about you again. Gender: Female Genre: Dramedy. You guys are still regular people. Hefty salary considering you just sit down and listen to disco and eat his maple ham sandwiches with the,! Than he could spit Im almost always late to school because mom wakes up so late where I next! Than he could spit my Pa. get your act together lake and drowned get away with anything that my! Him again are copyright protected not rich and she doesn & losing isaiah i threw him away monologue x27 ; s mother... Worth this much energy and anxiety, but he said, youre the of... Sandwiches with the teacher, which had nothing to do the same.Hope enjoy... At first, its hard to describe, but, boy, he! 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And overcoming hurdle after hurdle ate too many Mars bars and am lacking oxygen, theyve dismissed it that day! 1 million for an iceberg from Antarctica Bianca is grieving and frustrated to grow and...