ngati kahungunu pepeha

Governance structure: Seven trustees: 2 x Ngai Tahu hapu; 2 x Ngai Toroiwaho; 2 x Ngai Te Kikiri o Te Rangi and one from collective of Ngti Parakiore, Turahui, Rangitotohu, and Rangi te Kahutia. It will typically mention whakapapa affiliations through the ancestral mountain, river, waka, iwi, hap, marae and other kinship ties. Then man who holds the weapon is a rock in defense but one who is expert at food production is a sheltering tree. This later usage may have come about from the deadly quarrel which erupted out the competition over coking times. Physical Address:171 High Street,Dannevirke. This is said of a chief who looks after due preparations being made for his expected visitors; also, of one who quietly and courteously awaits the arrival and sitting of others to their repast before he eats his own food. P`s whakaruru ha. When asked why he did not speak, his reply was this famous proverb. Today the saying serves as a mild rebuke for those appearing in unsuitable clothing. The white hawk stands for a prominent chief. It is situated directly to the left after crossing the bridge over Te Wairoa-hpp-hnengenenge-matangi-rau River. The Trustees welcome you to the Moteo B2G2 Reserve Charitable Trust website. Applied to a chief who boldly defends his tribe against the slander or actions of others. 3 0 obj How we engage with our land and its coasts is crucial to our identity, our culture and our tikanga. 2492. The leader by his industry and skill sets the example for others to follow. Tribal leader and prolific seller of Mori land. 890. Warahoe is a hap of Ngti Awa. All that ceased for ever with the last great lady (e., when she died). He and fellow Ngti Kahungunu chief Tiakitai forged an alliance with Te Wera Hauraki, a chief from Ngpuhi who had settled on the Mhia Peninsula. 440. Only big eels enter my trap. See how he does a leader indeed. Upraised comb. It is not proper to prepare the hook at sea, rather it should be done on shore. Dont wait until the last minute to do something; be prepared. Being a place that commands people's affections because of its fertility and geographical location Turanganui A Kiwa was frequently sought after and fought over. Using this item. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand Volume 12, 1879, He kuukuu ki te kaainga, he kaakaa ki te haere. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand Volume 12, 1879, He pukepuke maunga, e pikitia e te tangata; he pukepuke moana, e ekeina e te waka; he pukepuke tangata, ekore e pikitia e te tangata. 986. Leader in Mori health, one of the first Mori General Practitioners. The iwi is one of the six Muriwhenua iwi of the far north of the North Island. The protects his warriors and the chiefs judgments are followed. Ko Ngti Kahungunu he iwi o te rwhiti o Te Ika-a-Mui, Aotearoa . He visited Ruapani and married one of his daughters. He visited Titirangi pa at Titirangi (Kaiti hill) near the mouth of the Turanganui river. During this time families lived in their own homes on their entitled blocks of land. Metaphor for the death of an important man. (Whitinui, Glover, & Hikuroa, 2013). 2456. (Videproverb 161,ante). One who has learned in the house and on the marae stands with dignity. One who has been schooled in marae customs and speech will stand on the marae confidently, speaking well and admired by those present. 1030. He visited Titirangi pa at Titirangi (Kaiti hill) near the mouth of the Turanganui river. 2352. In fighting continued between the direct descendants of Ruapani and Kahungunu Groups migrated into and out of Turanganui A Kiwa as a result of fighting, exile, overcrowding and power struggles typical to the development of societies. Here it should be borne in mind that a chief of to-day is the descendant of ancient chiefs. Red is usually taken as the sign of a chief or high born person. rai-te-uru is a shoal off the mouth of the Waitara river where sting rays were frequently found. Ngati Poporo descends from Te Whatuiapiti, who himself was descended from Rakaihikuroa the grandson of Kahungunu, Kupe by several lines, Iraturoto, Awanuiarangi and both Whatonga and Popoto of the waka Kurahaupo. The grasp of the common person, what is its advantage? Tkarohia te marama. As one chief dies another rises to take his place. Te Aute College had opened in 1854 near Hastings, and in the 1880s and 1890s it was attended by pirana Ngata, Maui Pomare, Te Rangi Hroa (Sir Peter Buck), and Paraire Tomoana. The chiefs sustenance is discussion but the low born is inattentive. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand Volume 12, 1879. A warrior chief is uncertain in his position, but one who is expert at food production has influence for a long time. 678. (Whitinui, Glover, & Hikuroa, 2013), 408. It was considered a very great insult for a travelling party to pass by apaor village without calling. 1562. 1618. The strategy has been developed to work within this boundary. Ki te mau te ariki, ka mau katoa te rere kkara. Physical Address:1A Kitchener Street,Waipukurau. endobj Ngti Kahungunu is a Mori iwi located along the eastern coast of the North Island of New Zealand. Alumni of the Young Mori Party, some of whom were now parliamentarians, were generally in favour of Mori enlistment and were involved in recruitment campaigns. You will see the anger of a chief. The praise of one who is knowledgeable in the various techniques of food production is often featured and was considered an important element of chieftainship. A hawk in th esky, a rail in a hidden place. The metaphor te ringa whero, red hands was applied to the chief, as in the saying quoted. We are told that he reserves his warriors and decides when they should move against the enemy forces. Kia ai he t kotuku ki roto o te nohoanga pah, kia tau ai. 1338. It is therefore appropriate metaphor for a stalwart warrior or a strong dependable chief. The presence of a prominent person is in itself a contribution. Meaning: If the illiberal mean chief be angry (shown by withholding food and welcome), the liberal generous men continue on their journey. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand Volume 12, 1879, Kei kai i te ketekete. Kkahi whakairoiro is a term referring to a chief of high rank (no doubt an allusion to his red ochre, ornaments and robes). Kahutapere immediately extracted revenge and assisted by of Mahaki -Tauheikuri killed Tupurupuru and chased Rakaihikuroa out of Turanganui A Kiwa. Postal Address:PO Box 132,Masterton 5840. Ka mahi te hukuroa I na mahi. In general terms it suggests a task is too great to accomplish. In todays society leaders are usually identified by his work in promoting the interests and welfare of his people. M wai e rou ake te whet o te rangi, ka tata kei raro. For the descendants of Te Aho you must provide sustenance. 890-1. One is that Kiwa came ahead of the Horouta on the waka Takitimu. Travel with a white hawk so that you eat well and receive gifts. . 6 Groups that represent hap of this iwi for the purposes of the RMA: Represents the hap (named below) for the purposes of the Resource Management Act 1991. At some point, Kahungunu arrived at Mhia Peninsula, where he pursued and married Rongomaiwahine, a woman from Nukutaurua who was a chief in her own right. From there he saw the smoke from the fires of Ruapani's pa, Popoia. The waka Tkitimu itself continued its voyage to the South Island under a new captain, Tahu Ptiki. A chiefs mana is derived from his position among his people (their spears are his palisades). Mission Kahungunu ki Wairarapa stand strong, committed, connected and steeped in Te Mtauranga o Te Wairarapatanga. Tribal leader and major runholder. N.B.Note the play on the three mountspukepuke; which are wholly lost in translation. They started a discussion of the relevant merits of their respective diets. This saying is illustrative of the love of a Mori to his land. A powerful friend is of great value in time of need. Kill the main combatant, the principal chief. 181. Rehua is one of the larger planets (possibly Mars or Jupiter), and when seen in summer, in time of heats and droughts, this saying is used; as then men grow thin (substantial vegetable food being scarce), and their joints protrude and look large. Share this item Post to Pinterest Post to Facebook Post to Twitter. He meant that without the proper garments in which to appear in public, he could not speak. Tuhoe also use as an endearing term for the dead. Whakapapa is the foundation of our identity as Ngati Poporo. Ngti Kahu is a Mori iwi of Northland, New Zealand. Tag: Ngati Kahungunu An Interview with Toni Huata May 29, 2013 Stephanie A Kia ora ano and welcome to our third and final feature in our New Zealand Music Month series of interviews with local Mori musicians. According to Grey, this was a form of invitation to great chief. Rehua (causing) big joints! Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand Volume 12, 1879, He kotuku kai-whakaata. The saying may also refer to the house of learning (whare wnanga), where, after formal training, one may hope to become an outstanding orator on the marae. A chief will be a friend in disaster and not not forsake you. A fierce rivalry developed between these two hap. Ko te tumu herenga waka. Just leave the big stone axe to be re-sharpened, its edge is merely chipped a bit. T te rangatira tna kai he korero, t te ware he muhukai. A reference to ones supporters. He mhiti ki runga, he paepaeroa ki raro, koia nei te kkahu o te rangatira. The battalion fought in the Greek, North African and Italian campaigns, during which it earned a formidable reputation as an extremely effective fighting force. Postal Address:8 Kauru Road,Waipatu,Hastings 4172. Ruapani was the paramount chief of the Turanganui tribes. The chiefly hand takes hold. Chiefs of thetitokiyear! 2 0 obj [27] It began broadcasting full-time in late 1991, moved dedicated studios at Stortford Lodge in the late 1990s, and began an FM simulcast on 4 September 2000. It also bears the name Matariki. This is a list of Mori waka (canoes). Hautapu had Wai-puirangi. As a result, the Kotahitanga movement emerged in the 1890s to advocate for the establishment of an independent Mori parliament. Learn Kahungunu History This is a great time to learn Kahungunu History. Ki ng whakaeke haumi. 408. Former television personality and prominent businessman, founder of Taylormade Media. It was whilst retrieving his wayward kite from the roof-top of his fathers house that Ruatapu was condemned an illegitimate son, "ka kii a Ruatapu e Uenuku ki te tamameamea". Who can reach a star in the sky so it shall fall below. This information is available on the. Postal Address:PO Box 2406,Hastings 4153. 579. The star stands for a chief. The name Ngati Poporo may have been bestowed on the people by Nukanoas grandson, the Tohunga, Te Rangikawea. [1] Our main purpose as a Marae is to provide a meeting place, open space for recreation, buildings and facilities to hire for the common use of our beneficiaries and local community. He married several times during his travels, and as a result there are many North Island hap that trace their lineage directly back to Kahungunu. E whai I muri I a Rehua, kia kai ai koe I te kai. A compilation of whakatauki that relate to leadership in te ao Mori. An unsubstantial chief. Te whakangungu nei ki ng tara-a-whai o rai-te-uru. Ka mahi ng urio Tne kpae ahi. 1010. General Nature Of Wahi Tapu. But the pepeha is also becoming an essential part of the work life of . Thou art making thyself appear as big as the great lady chief of old Ruaputahanga! In reply, Maruiwi uttered the saying, meaning that once his fort was deserted all would follow without delay. In 1840 a number of Ngti Kahungunu chiefs were signatories to the Treaty of Waitangi. <> Be a leader not a follower, lest you be lead astray by an erratic leader. 1766. Tutekohe's mana was such that when he placed a stick in the ground a flow of gifts followed. Matiu married Kiritiana and Reihana was born. Heru hpinga. Physical Address: 3-5 Bridge Street, Wairoa, Email Address: You shall be sheltered by my rain cape, an impervious garment. In 1822 Hongi Hika and a large contingent of Ngpuhi armed with muskets attacked Waikato. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand Volume 12, 1879, Kei maaku toku. He takaruretenga mahi, mahue ake. There is general agreement that the principal tribes of the Heretaunga district were descendants of Awanuiarangi known then as the Whatumamoa Ngati Awa and Rangitane. Pepeha for non-Mori. Rakai-pka remained in Nhaka, where he remains the eponymous ancestor of the Ngti Rakaipaaka hap of that area. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand Volume 12, 1879, I taia to moko ki te aha?To what purpose was your face tattooed? Hpara makaurangi anu-whakatau. Rehua is a famed star (planet) with the old New Zealanders,many things are said of it; some of which, however, belong to a noted chief of that name of the olden time. A cutting sarcasm to a finely tattooed man, when he acts cowardly or meanly. Kitea te nga n te haku. Huata attributes the ppeha to Paterangi of Ngti Kahungunu. This needs explanation. A screen helter from the wind. This might be said by a chief of his tribe and followers. Ka hinga te ttara o te wao nui a Tne. The boundary described above is included in Ngti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporation (NKII) onstitution and is generally accepted as the Ngti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa boundary in this political context. endobj Kahungunu, whose grandfather captained the Takitimu waka (canoe) from Hawaiki to New Zealand, was in born in rongotea (Kaitia) and grew up in Tauranga. Ngti Kahungunu trace their origins to the Tkitimu waka. 2045. 2289. Wll done descendants of Tne who lie alongside the fire. There are differing versions of how Turanganui A Kiwa derived its name. He taonga tuku iho, Ko te manutukutuku, E kore te matau e rawe ki te moana takai ai, engari an a uta. A, maaku noa atu? 1059. Mna e k mai te pakoko a te tiaki, pakoko tawhito. 838. The whole saying is, perhaps, worthy of notice:Kei maaku toku kakahu! Applicable to a weak and ineffective chief. Ki a ia, te toka t moana. First the people were very poor and second, the influence of Christian beliefs assisted with the decision. Ko Kahungunu, he tupuna, he kaiwhakatere waka. 308. Ina te mahi, he rangatira. This proverb serves as a metaphor that one should seek those leaders who are able to weld diverse groups into a successful combination. The utterance is a rebuke to an audacious inferior. Researcher in health education and Mori health at the University of Otago. Have a chief as a friend unto death in order that you will never be abandoned. Kei te k ttorokihi te ahu nei. There was Tawhaki, who attempted to ascend to the heavens upon a kite, and then onto Hawaiki and the tumultuous times of Uenuku, Paikea and Ruatapu. This electorate is referred to in the constitution as the, One representative is elected at large by the iwi membership to the chair of the board of trustees. Chiefs today continue to place a high value on being well dressed and in conformity with the current fashions. 453. He ika paewai anake hei tomo I roto I te hnaki. Level 1: Registered members who whakapapa to Ngati Kahungunu Level 2: Registered members not of Kahungunu descent but are Mori descent living in the Kahungunu Rohe (Nga Mata Waka) Level 3: People who do not whakapapa to Kahungunu or of Mori descent - (This level is unable to receive an iwi membership card) Our activities of the time as a hapu, dictated where some of our families lived. The p had historically been an important strategic asset of Ngti Te pokoiri, but it had recently been occupied by Tangiteruru, a Ngti Porou chief who had invaded Heretaunga with the help of Ngti Maru. The chief has a broad view of affairs not available to one in a lowly position. Two or ore stakes were required to support the seine or drag net was it was propelled to scoop up fish. 1371. Te Ara - The Encyclopedia of New Zealand. While NKII is the mandated iwi organisation (MIO) in charge of iwi development and overseeing the fisheries settlement it received in 2004, Ngti Kahungunu have settled their Treaty settlements of historical grievances on a hapu basis. This article related to the Mori people of New Zealand is a stub. However, there were many raupo homes, with dirt floors that were occupied by whnau. However the regional economy and well-being of the Mori community was profoundly impacted when both plants closed; Whakatu in 1986 and Tomoana in 1994.[18]. (Kawharu, 2008). The old ablution block was a small makeshift tin shed with a dirt floor. He had a great pa, known as Popoia pa on the western bank of the Waipaoa River at Waituhi. Ko Te Whakapunake-a-te-matau-a-Maui-Tikitiki-a-Taranga te maunga, Ko Te Wairoa-hopupu-honengenenge-matangirau te waiora, Governance Board:(Updated 1 February 2022). By 1994 a rapid succession of other chairpeople had led the organisation, while severe disharmony between board members was increasingly hampering the board's effectiveness. Within Taraia's lifetime, Heretaunga was brought under the control of his people, who became the first of the Ngti Kahungunu in that area. The chief or executive has a broad view of affairs not available to one in a lowly position. Our pepeha acts as a cultural summary of who we are, our whakapapa and what cultural land marks define our traditional boundaries. Although he had beaten back a superior force at Te Roto-a-Tara, Te Pareihe knew that the defence of Heretaunga was unsustainable without the advantage of firearms. Te Rtahi married Te Ao and Hnihkahe was born. He visited Ruapani and married one of his daughters. Take out the moon. [5] Armed with muskets, Te Heuheu had come to assist Ngti Te pokoiri in retaking their lost p of Te Roto-a-Tara, a fortified island in Lake Roto-a-Tara near the present-day site of Te Aute in Heretaunga. The white crane eats leisurely, after viewing his food and his own shadow in the still water. Me haere I te manukwhaki, kaua e whakaupa ki te riri kia whai mrehu. Our taha wairua flourishes and is emphasised by the enthusiasm and energy we have to carry our culture forward. Another of his pa was located where the Anglican Vicerage stands today in Cobden street. The maunga Kahuranaki is located on the eastern most boundary but no reference identifies the southern boundary. Ko Tokerau te moana (Tokerau is the sea). Let not mine be wetted: the passive being the more genteel, or mannerly, way of expressing it. A chief now as in the past takes pride in dressing as befits his rank. I believe Araiteuru is a large shoal off the West Coast, near Taranaki; in such places, as also on shoals and mud-flats in harbours, as at Ahuriri, Whangarei, etc., large sting-rays abound. Tohutoro matua: Rrangi Iwi-Hap. Over time, some Ngti Kahungunu hap settled in the Wairarapa region, finding a relatively peaceful existence there until the arrival of European settlers. It ay be equally applied to a leader who shows unusual energy and drive. Ko ona kaimakamaka I aroha nei au; ko te waka t tia, t haumatia. The sign of a chief is generosity. Reihana married Hoana and the speaker, McCully Matiu, was born. It is from Tahu Ptiki that the South Island iwi of Ngi Tahu takes its name. All Content Copyright 2023 Te Runanga o Turanganui a Kiwa, all rights reserved. Its crew comprised men only: high chiefs, chiefs, tohunga and elite warriors. It began as Tairawhiti Polytechnic training station Te Toa Takitini 2XY, making two short-term broadcasts on 1431 AM in December 1988, and October and November 1989. Rkei-hikuroa led a migration of his families and followers from Nukutaurua on the Mhia Peninsula to Heretaunga, the region known today as Hawke's Bay. ], [2010] Show more information Location not available We are unable to determine your location to show libraries near you. Nobility evidences itself. He toa mau rkau he toka piringa, he toa mahi kai he rkau whakamarumaru. 1009. Ruapani had three wives who between them gave him numerous children including sets of twins and triplets. Like the post in the sea to which the ends of the net are fixed to keep it open. In 1897 they formed the Te Aute College Students' Association and became active participants in public life, often mediating between the Crown and hap in matters of local land management. A chief will be a friend in disaster and will not forsake you. 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