what to do when aquarius man disappears

On the third date we became intimate and on the last date (which was last week) it was like he doesn't want to know. So many of you have more experience than I do with these men and I would be 4ever grateful for any advice, hints or tips that can be offered. Keep ya posted. You can share 5 more gift articles this month.. Just messaged 'all the best' on the days he had exams. So, the easiest way will be I have known this man for 31 years, we grew up together. Then after a few weeks, he started really making an effort and making time for me. You don't think we are scared too?? One minute you'd swear they want to spend every minute with you, which we know is not the case, and the next they treat you like the babysitter or some mere acquaintance! I was dealing w/ this for MONTHS. Sorry but they will cheat they will do whatever to make things good 4 them including cheating ( aquarius man). They are probably thinking they like you, want to be with youBut at the same time, they are feeling that ever familiar despair as they think their freedom is leaving them for good. I had no idea my aquarius guy friend had a crush on me for the longest time. I still haven't heard from him. I wish I would have read this article a long time ago. If he is acting that way treat him equally that's what I would do so he sees how that feels. I don't want to rush into a relationship. Also, giving him space and time to analyze his feelings is a must. The thing about an Aquarius man is that he has a very low emotional threshold. Mathew Williams was last seen on Feb. 3 in the 7400 block of Meadow Breeze Drive. Even my ex who was also Aquarius, who did not run away, was like a robot emotionally and that hurt so much that I had to end it. I've read so much about these guys and think I do understand them but with the best will in the world feel that I can't do right for doing wrong! Try not to think about him and instead focus on your own happiness. Another possible reason why an Aquarius man pulls away when in love could be that hes afraid of commitment. It's strange. WithinAquarius Man Secrets,there are hints, tips, and tricks you can utilize to get closer to the man of your dreams. To him, being in control of your own feelings is a sign of power and strength so regardless of how hurt you feel, dont beg or cry because thatll push him further away. Are you worried that your partner may be losing interest in you? Hidden in the tiring and mundane is a chance to transform your prospects in a delightful way. I want someone who makes me feel good (we all deserve that don't we?) What if an Aquarius man pulls away when in love? Is there a way I can keep him on my Facebook but also do something about all this ignoring? Ha, ha, what a joke. I've been dating this Aquarius man for 6 months. We finally started going on dates and having sex (magical!!).. Scorpio and aquarius can be a great match. He loves me, I love him, but I can sense when he's about to start acting weird again and I back off, but boy does my patience run thin with this bs, but found a solution in occupying my time with other things taking my mind off of him and why he's acting weird. WebThe goal here is to get to the point where he doesn't feel guilty for needing his space (he probably can't help it, and pressuring him will just drive a wedge between you), while In a relationship, Venus and Jupiter will create a euphoric atmosphere for you until the 16th. Thing is I feel like a normal guy if they know you like them and don't like you back, stay away from you. But I do love listening to him rant on about whatever lol not to mention he is very ambitious, So damn sexy! he recently told me that he likes me and that he would wait 2 have sex with me (btw im 17 hes 19). An Aquarius man is most comfortable around his friends, so be one of his buds. And then it becomes a sudden realization that my partner might be reading more than simple friendship or affection into it and, in order to fix and think about this, I cut off and take a break. as said in the above comment, she'll just run away and chose to be with someone else. He told me during this time that he was dealing with some stuff. I cant change who I am. As an Aries with an Aquarius rising, I can certainly relate to an Aries level of impatience. LET THEM GO! Thanks yes 9 years is a very long time. But its not fair. As soon as they start their distancing act just turn the tables and do a disappearing act and mean it. In some cases, it can seem as if hes pulling away from you, when in reality he simply doesnt know how to express his feelings. If so, he likes you. Okay. Don't read too much into what he says. However, if you feel that youre ready for a steady relationship right now, this guy may not be the one youre looking for. I will say this though, that one of the many things I DO like about an Aquarius is how they are clingy and super needy, and for me this a huge plus, but then that "super detachment" thing they do comes into play, and you have to decide just how much of this you can take because it's tough to not get any, if much, feedback on how they feel about youlife must go on!! They both need their space and they are both often misunderstood. The most common features of soulmate relationships. Oh, you are so right. This guy found me after 11 years at a social networking website just when I had forgotten about him completely. Then i said if it was meant then we will meet again. but then yeah he bought me bunch chocolate and tedy bear and flower with poetry i mean aquarians like casanova they r very good at words! Mind your own business. He enjoys getting your love messages but too many of them will make him feel suffocated. I am a confused (and frustrated I might add because of him!) He gave so many mixed signals in the beginning despite saying he didn't want a relationship. If you ignore an Aquarius man when he disappears, hell be back . In the long run, having this chat with him may save you from further experiencing pain or wondering whether or not he has the desire to rekindle your relationship. He knows i dont struggle to meet men, but i do not behave vein, i always dress well and beautify but i keep natural.. i have a lot going for me, i drive a nice car and career and house is in top rank, so perhaps he thinks i may be of use but then he appears a bit nervous as he did at the start like he has no confidence around me but im certainly not a great lover of boys.. Any aquariuses that can shed some light would be apprecisated buti cannot say id be interested in going on but believe me, i wont chase the man or entertain his rubbish.. phones can be hung up quickly in a decent manner and abrupt conversations can be ended.. Its a part of his personality and he cherishes the time he can spend with his friends. He never opened up, even after years of being together. He went home and things have been different every since, he still tells me he loves me and I am his best friend but I catch him lies all the time. He Needs Personal Space. He has some sort of spell on me and I don't like it at all. Give this Article . I remind him were both single we both care for each other I'm falling in love with him again & we won't say the love word or relationship the closer we become he freaks will desapear no more than a week out of nowhere will text like nothing happens. My unbiased and anonymous analysis takes the gamble out of deciding what to do. I would like to know your adviceon this! Will he come back? I an a female aquarius and the situation for me was with this aquarius guy. WTH? We're very spontaneous, We tend and service to anyone who needs our help and love. It was a miscommunication, he took a break again. we were spending one night together drunk, telling all of our feelings about each other-- then that was the last verbal convo we ever had! One minute hes all over me, wanting to spend time, then the next time I see him, he treats me like we just met yesterday! So yeah, plenty of mixed messages/signals. Aquarians need their alone time to recharge, to think things Oh we had a nice enough evening and he talked about the 'next time' but it felt like we were an old married couple or just friends (but he had a bad leg you see and was in an awful lot of pain!). lol My aquarius disappears too. Not because I'm possessive or clingy, though I am emotional. This makes me wonder if we had a family would he abandon us? I miss him for many reasons, but at the same time, i gave him the skin off my back and he dissapears because i broke? haha. WebArgentina - There are a million different reasons one could get tattooed, but one man's family just gave a new one after they used his ink to identify his remains inside a shark. It's easy to do. So the big question is: do I contact him and try to find out WHY, or just leave him be and hope he comes back around? Aquarian men will come back to a relationship when it suits them to . Always with his friends, but didn't want me with mines. They can get YOU, but you cant get THEM. Perhaps you never knew how to balance your time between him and your friends but now you have the perfect opportunity to change that. He is supposed to come to a wedding with me this weekend and the day he texted me, he said not to invite a girlfriend, I would hear from him by end of week before wedding. What if your he is same age & your Pisces . By understanding someone and how they view things it's easy to make yourself more attractive to them. Go to a movie or bowling or to his favorite food Can you tell me why he must be behaving like this?Please can you tell me what should i do & how should i go bout it? and we agreed to meet and he called me but he was a bit 'I do not know what time and when I could meet you and what do you think' and I said I do not know either, when you know let me know and I could tell he said goodbye with an attitude and then he never called me back, 4 days ago, does that mean he will never call me again? But when the person I am spacing from starts to cling to me because of the break, I get worried. He wants to be with a woman who can keep up with him, who thinks outside of the box, and who isnt afraid to break out of her shell. You have history together 35 years ago . He says that he wants to marry someday, but he has never been so I am starting to wonder if we can't make it through hurdles, or if I just need to let him have like a week a month where we don't talk, even if not fighting, but I am not sure he is coming back this time? 3. now it feels like no time went by at all. I never bothered to ask why, nor have i made any attempts to reach out to him no more then he has. He took a break about 2 months ago after a few fights where I felt were unresolved so I threatened in heat of argument to leave. I met an aquarius man we went out for about a week had the most amazing time together. (( I think it's one of those stupid contradictions us Aquariuses are known for)) If you're Aquariuses is being very romantic, rushing along, don't just assume that he is ready for a relationship! But after 20 months we are still chatting. He pushed me away. If he wishes to retreat for a while, then just let him and tell him that youll wait for him until hes ready. If that isn't proof of him seeing others then what is? So I text him yesterday/today. I saw an Acquarius for over a year, and of course, he did the disappearing thing, blah, blah, blah, and he wouldn't even acknowledge me, so I waited for him at this house last weekend, and it was horrible! A few days ago, he thanked me for my patience, and let me know it goes a long way. Simply click here to return to, All these dates can vary slightly by birth year and location. He ignored my calls & replied only to a few texts when he felt like. i dont believe hes ever had a very serious Real relationship. As an Aries, patience is not a strength of mine. Somehow it seems to me there is a reason that the universe has produced people with the Aquarius temperament, and so I want to find a way of valuing this personality and the individual man that I love. I said: We do get lovey dovey, when we're being intimate duh. If an Aquarius man keeps coming back to you, its for a reason. Copyright 2023 CelestialToday | Powered by Astra WordPress Theme. Which not to brag but he will NEVER find another woman like me. FLINT, Mich. (WJRT) - Police are asking for help finding a 47-year-old man last seen in Flint two weeks ago. as my feelings for him are so so strong, but I know in my heart that I will not be able to cope with the rollercoaster ride longterm. He talked about the future and made plans for us. If you Trust me, he will wonder why you don't seem bothered by his disappearance. finally a man who can beat me at my own game (or downfall should i say). So, its been almost 2 years since i left him which throughout that time we still talked off & on & sex 2. I'M not opposed to taking it slow, but I've been trying to just be open with him and not have any walls up. I got quite involved with his children, weekends away etc. However, crying your heart out in front of him will do more harm than good. Very much agreed, sir! It's easy to do. I am courteous and timely in my responses (text communication) however, I find this mental confusion uninteresting. And its almost a challenge or a mystery you feel compelled to solve. Appreciate the inputs in the first post.I met an acqua and this post kind of explains his nature pretty well. Wow! But it will be a cold day in hell before I let him know that. WTF I just left . i was friends with an aqua man for 7 years, the relationship was never sexual, but very intellectually engaging, fun, and light. OMG thank you, this helps tremendously .. Join in and write your own page! I have been seeing an Aquarius off and on for three years now. I was married before too, and even when I was younger and single would NEVER have put up with this crap. But of couse things got sour. He KNOWS I like him, if he liked me at all wouldn't he do something to let me know, or am I suppossed to read into his actions? One minute they will tell you how much they love and adore you, the next minute, they are reading into everything you say and act very abrasive and cruel, kicking you out the door. Just talk about interesting topics, maybe a good natured debate or competition. Keep in mind that an Aquarian man is drawn to mystery, so use this to your advantage and hell be all over you again. I just will never understand him. Im not trying to discourage you from continuing your relationship but seriously seriously consider what I have written. Reading your article has possibly stopped me from making a huge error on the next steps I take with my Aquarius friend. So the easiest way will be to just disappear without warning. i need some input in my confusing relationship. I have learned that I can do that, and in some odd way, that is satisfying. I know, seriously.) But what about when he hurts me? To the point they watch my social sites and will admit it. It's easy to do. He could do what he wanted but when it came to me it was so different. Privacy Policy | About us |Contact us 2023 Think Aloud. Should I leave him alone to 'potter' and may be wait 4ever to hear from him or should I send the txt to find out where I stand now? He was talking up the future, and then 2 months later he was gone. He was always spontaneous with everyone is his life but I quite liked the spontaneity as I can be too. According to Detroit police, David Ciuma left his house on Williams is 6 feet 2 inches tall and weighs 210 pounds. Despite my distance, I receive updates as to their whereabouts. He said he felt the same. he was all about it the first 2 months I was blown away, i left my taurus boyfriend to explore things with him. He is the first man I have spent time with since separating from my husband (who he knows really well and I sometimes wonder if this causes him a problem but then i'm probably just kidding myself!) ok I typed it all in notepad first bc I've experienced losing it service and having to re-write everything. WebArgentina - There are a million different reasons one could get tattooed, but one man's family just gave a new one after they used his ink to identify his remains inside a shark. If they give it time, they can develop a connection and respect for each other that they cannot find with any other sign. i cant stand it and i think he is serious so i should give him another change, and after a month we got together, he said "we need to tal" he said i still same i still funny and cute but he is just doesnt love me as much as before! He might get hurt when they feel ignored by you. After our second date he told me he wanted to see me the day after but he might have to leave town so he was going to call me to let me know. Hi there, my Aqua man and myself have been dating for 5 months tomorrow. All I know is that, as an Aquarius, I think I know what you are talking about. Dont spend ur precious time on them, u deserve better, u all sound like very sweet ladies. To vanish. I guess not cuz he hasnt called. I'm sure this may speak for SOME Aquarius males, but not all. As an aquarian woman I am currently dating an aquarian man but with my confidence and indepence, it swifts him off his feet. I read a comment where there was an Aries that was mad at some Aquarius and "wanted to slap us all" (I found that hilarious, by the way. I noticed a lot of questions were asking about why their Aquarius men are disappearing or doing 180's in the personality department. After all, he doesnt want to be with someone who always contradicts him unless hes testing his own limits. I mean I'm definitely interested in him but I'm really not sure how he feels abt me(I'm an Aries grl). The key to an Aquarius man is to not take any crap from them. The main reason for an Aquarians vanishing act is due to their need for space & freedom. Aquarius men are much like Gemini men; they always want adventure and fun. A relationship with an Aquarius man can be exhausting or difficult sometimes but at the end of the day, hes still a human being. I told him I was hurt by it, and he said he knew that I would be hurt thats why he told me. How the hell can I have a relationship with someone who always has his sprinting shoes on, & eying the door, if I unbalance his correct amount of romance/love/affection that makes him feel 'free'? But does he miss me? and that it would probably be the best for both of you if he left now. AND like you, he was all over me in the beginning. we made each other nervous, he's too good looking and i'm a little older. If youd like to know more about his romantic guy, you may want to check out my specialized series. the best> In a period of 24 hrs 20 were for sex, We saw each other only during week ends and he would call me every day. I am a virgo female and met an Aqaurius and the connection is amazing, we can talk for hours and hours and not get bored. But I do miss him believe me! whats he thinkin?? I'm an Aries grl, This man is going to try your patience like no other. I was under the impression that we were fine. Aquarius men appreciate self-dependent women who know how to handle things on their own and who dont spend their entire day checking up on them. But there really never a real reason why we broke up. However, over the coming months we chatted. I've been talking to him for over a year and a couple of months ago he just stopped talking. FLINT, Mich. (WJRT) - Police are asking for help finding a 47-year-old man last seen in Flint two weeks ago. When an Aquarian disappears / hibernates it is vital that you give them the space that they need. I still haven't heard from him. WebAbout Aquarius Marvel - Spider-Man Ugly Sweater 1000 pieces Made by Aquarius Themes: Movies & TV More Info About This Item You Might Also Like slide 5 to 6 of 16 1000 Pieces Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows $22.99 1000 Pieces Creature Feature $22.99 1000 Pieces Tea Party Time $19.99 1000 Pieces Poppy Fields $16.99 1000 Pieces Then, I told him he either had to choose me or the other girls, and surprisingly, he chose me. Truthfully, an Aquarius man isnt a fan of a boring and traditional love life. Pretending all the time not to care. WebDisappearing Aquarian. As a result, hell be reluctant to take your dating to the next level. I think they like to be close and have the company and intimacy but like to be able to take off and do whatever they like, when they like. He is a good guy and sometimes talks to me about everything, butall of a sudden he acts like he is not interested and this has been happening I think for four times now. Then he pulled it again. Never ever ever let him think you like him more than he does. Should I consider us over? He constantly accused me through our who relationship. An Aquarius man loves a woman who is busy, I'm a scorpio. I also felt like he was holding back from letting me in. he used to smile when he came to see me and bow he has a straight face. i felt i had found a friend forever. He comes back. Pegged most Aquarians on the dot. So we talked pretty intently-but about politics and ethnics, his favorite stuff. Questioning myself, going over all the times we were together trying to figure out if he was sincere in those moments, wondering why he is not calling. The body of a Muscatine man who was reported missing in January has been found on the Iowa side of Lock and Dam 17, the Louisa County Sheriffs Office reports. I have been in this relationship for almost a year, and despite all the challenges I am not ready to give up. But it wasn't good enough. He says he loves me, but not on the same level that I love him. all of his talk about why he didnt want a relationship. I'm not perfect either, but my gracious, I don't go from hot to cold in less than 60 seconds for no reason. I guess my response to it was emotional and wanting answers which obviously didn't take well to because now he will not talk to me whatsoever. Their hot and cold persona can have them changing their minds on a whim. But i just made it worse on me. He doesnt feel comfortable What do you usually do when you feel that the environment around you makes you uncomfortable? I feel the same way. He's talked about all his past girlfriends. You are absolutely right that you can have them IF you play their game. When im with him he is affectionate and I can tell he has something for me, but its like a rollercoaster! One of the unusual signs of an Aquarius man in love is his decreased absence. Enjoy it! I noticed this guy at my work place. Where has he gone and how do I get him back? I have put up with this as long as I can, I have understood he needs time and space.. It's never too late to begin again. Only to just turn it off. He says he wants to move on and talks about how she broke his heart. But he doesn't, in fact we talk more. .3 weeks maybe cause he just disappeared. WTF?! Been dating this Aquarius for almost a year and its the slowest process ever! my heart is breaking. he responds with 'ok' after 7 years of close friendship he didn't even care it was ending. He has brown eyes and black hair. He has told me he usually knows if he is in love at 5-6 mos, and has only been in 2 love relationships, one lasting for 17 years, they share 2 children.I understand his need for freedom and until about a month ago we only spent 3-4 days together every 2 weeks. I wanna slap my aqua man too. The first thing you need to do is decide what you will and wont put up with. So we started a relationship. However I am starting to fall for one guy who is 2 years younger than me. The body of a Muscatine man who was reported missing in January has been found on the Iowa side of Lock and Dam 17, the Louisa County Sheriffs Office reports. I am sure that is why he likes me so much more than other girls. That shit right their can cost him his life if not careful. )The best way, again this is just my experience and I've known other things to work at different times, you just have to try you're best to read the situation, is to remind the Aquarius why he picked you in the first place. Alternatively, it could be difficult for him to open up to you and he wants to get hold of his feelings before he confesses everything to you. Just a text saying im sorry i dont have much to give. Previous to that I had only had one date in 5 years after separating from a long term relationship. Aquarius guys like the girls they pretend not to like. It sounds romantic but it really isnt. Hell be reluctant to take your dating to the point they watch social! Social networking website just when I was hurt by it, and then months. Space and time to analyze his feelings is a must but they will cheat they will more... After separating from a long term relationship way I can be too to be with someone makes... Brag but he does reading your article has possibly stopped me from making a huge error the... It all in notepad first bc I 've been talking to him for over a year its. Or downfall should I say ) he told me started going on dates having. 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