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Romi Writes: Why I Love Ethiopia

By November 25, 2020No Comments

Life as seen through the eyes of a baby

Ethiopia is where my daddy was born. It’s the place I want to see one day. I watched lots of cool videos about Ethiopia on YouTube. I saw the kids on the video wearing very pretty clothes and singing cool songs. They also played very fun games. In the other videos, I saw the peoples praying at church and singing church music.

My daddy also takes me to Ethiopian church in Fresno. But we don’t go to church right now because lots of peoples are sick. But everything will be better again one day and we will go back to church. I like church because everybody likes me when I go. I like when they sing too. The best part is the drum. It’s loud and fun.

We also get yummy food at church and lots of kids get to play outside.  This one time when I went to church, I got baptished. That’s like when they give you a bath and pray for you because they want God to protect you for all your life.

At home, me and my daddy and mommy pray every night. We pray for Ethiopia because we want everybody to get along and not fight with each other. We want all the kids to go to school. And we want their mommies and daddies to live happily together for a long, long time. 

In Ethiopia, there are lots of beautiful places like Tigray, Oromia, Harrar and many more. I also have lots of family in Wollo and Addis Ababa. I can’t wait to see them one day. I heard some of my aunties and uncles are crazy. I think we will have fun when I go there. I’m sure they will take me to cool places, buy me ice cream and also buy me Ethiopian clothes. 

When I grow up, I want to do lots of good things for peoples in Ethiopia. Maybe I’ll be a doctor and like help peoples in the hospital. Or I can make books for kids in Ethiopia. And I will have more ideas later. But first I have to go to school and get my edumukation and read lots of books so I can grow up and be want I want to be. And I have to keep praying because I want God to bring everybody together and make Ethiopia a peaceful place.

Editor’s note: Romi’s only a baby and obviously she can’t talk yet, but we believe these words will set the foundation for her future. Also, life appears so much better from a baby’s perspective. Thanks for joining us on this adventure.


Author KassDigital

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